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Yeosang looked around the room Yunho had taken him to and studied it with his trained eye. There were cameras in the corner, which didn't surprise him, but the room was empty.

"What's going on?" He asked, turning to the taller.

"This is going to be your room. Hongjoong wanted you to have a look at it so you could get a feel for the kind of set-up you want. If you noticed, we walked for quite a ways. This building isn't attached to the precinct directly so there's no way to tie it with us. But it is connected by that underground tunnel so you can get back and forth without going outside."

"Wow. You guys have put a lot of work into this, haven't you?"

Yunho rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, we are really hoping this is going to work."

Yeosang glanced at him and saw a lot of unsaid thoughts in his eyes, but he didn't pry. It wasn't his place. "So, I can ask for... Anything?"

"Yes, and we will do our best to get it. I can't promise anything, but we will do our best."

The hacker quickly accepted the pad and paper Yunho offered him before turning back to the room, trying to envision what he wanted in there.

He turned to one side, decided that's where his main desk would go. If he could have anything, he wanted to go all out, especially if it meant protecting his team.

"Ok, I'm thinking at least six monitors to start with. More if you guys can spare them. Also, drones. Lots of them. I can keep lookout from high above and cover areas Seonghwa might not be able to see. I would like a bed so I have a place to rest but I can be close by, if that's ok?" He glanced at Yunho.

The taller pursed his lips and looked around the room. "I don't see that being a problem. It would make it handy for you to be here if we need you to look up some information for us. Now, I want you to know, we are probably trusting you the most out of anyone because Hongjoong is planning on giving you full access to our system." His tone grew harsh as he crossed his arms.

Yeosang felt the heat come to his face as he looked down. He hated that judgmental look. "You don't have to keep reminding me. I know what I did was wrong, but I had me reas-"

"Yunho, get back here now." Hongjoong's came from their bracelets.

The pair looked at each other before turning and running down the long hallway they had taken to get here.

Even running it took them over ten minutes to get back to the precinct. They were both out of breath when they got there but kept up the pace of a jog until they saw Hongjoong pacing outside of a room with Jongho, Mingi, and Seonghwa leaning against the wall.

Mingi's eyes watched Hongjoong nervously and Seonghwa looked upset.

"What happened?" Yunho asked, running over to the group and grabbing Hongjoong's shoulders. He scanned his friend quickly and brushed his thumb against some of the scraps on his face.

"It was a trap. It was a fucking trap!" Hongjoong growled, shoving Yunho's hands away.

The taller stepped back as hurt flashed across his face. "What..."

"They had everything planned out." Seonghwa answered as Hongjoong started his pacing again. "I think this was a trap to try and draw the police out. I... I don't think they expected a team like us, because I was able to rattle them a little with my shots. But they had an advance device that disabled all the cameras in the area and even messed with my scopes. I don't think the guns were the actual target."

Yunho paled as he looked back at Hongjoong.

"We did manage to capture one of them." Jongho said softly, cracking his knuckles. "He's in there." He jerked his head at the door across from them. "Hongjoong already tried talking to him, but he isn't giving us any information. He even tried to kill himself before we could get him properly restrained."

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