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About a month passed before the team had their next big break.

Once he discovered it, Yeosang set off the internal alarm to alert them, calling them all to his room.

"What is it?" Hongjoong asked, getting there first with Mingi. The others arrived shortly after.

"I just intercepted a coded transmission. There's a group that's going to hit Booker's Bank at 10:23 tonight." Yeosang said, tilting his head to the side as he listened to the message again. "They keep talking about a package. So there must be something in one of the vaults beneath the bank itself. They need it for something."

"Do we know who it is?" Seonghwa asked from where he was standing in the back.

"No. No names. They are being careful. It took me some time to decode their message too." Yeosang glanced up at his leader. "They are going to be heavily armed. This is the real deal."

He watched as Hongjoong rubbed his eyebrows and pursed his lips while staring at the screen. A million scenarios must be running through his head right now.

Mingi stood just behind him, watching him carefully.

The two had come out as a couple a few weeks ago and now they were inseparable. Yeosang still didn't know them very well, but Hongjoong seemed more relaxed and was taking his role as a leader better, taking time to consult the others and participate in trainings.

Following his thoughts, Hongjoong turned around and looked at everyone. "What do you guys think?" He asked, looking mainly between Yunho and Seonghwa. They were the ones Hongjoong tended to lean on the most. That was the other thing Yeosang admired about him. He didn't show favoritism to Mingi just because they were dating.

The hacker leaned back in his chair as he slowly pushed his sucker back and forth with his tongue while listening to the recording again, looking for anything he might have missed.

"Well, I'll be up on the roofs if you need me to be. I know you like having a second pair of eyes to catch things Sangie might miss." Seonghwa said, glancing at the hacker.

"I like it too." Yeosang threw in. "The more eyes the better, my drones can only pick up so much."

Hongjoong nodded in agreement. "Ok, the rest of us will be on the ground. San, are you up for this?" He asked, looking at the younger.

San straightened up and nodded his head, then looked up and Yunho. He had come a long way in the last month and as far as Yeosang knew, he had only had a few incidents. But he had been able to push them away easily.

"Ok, I want you and Wooyoung to be waiting in the shadows on the north side of the building. That will be where you can get in and get down to the vaults." Hongjoong said.

Yeosang spun around and let his fingers fly over his keyboard, creating a map of the bank and surrounding area on the screen.

Hongjoong moved a little closer and pointed to where he wanted them waiting. "And Mingi and I will be over here, the south side, watching the front entrance. Yunho, I want you waiting nearby in the car, but ready to come aid if needed. We don't know what we are dealing with so I want to be able to make a quick getaway if needed."

"Sure thing." Yunho said, picking at his lip. "And if we get separated?"

Their leader looked at each of them in turn. "Do you best to get away. Stay hidden. Don't come back here right away. Remember Yeosang can track you so if you get lost, ping him and he can help you."

Everyone nodded, except for Jongho, who looked a little dejected, but he didn't say anything.

Yeosang felt his heart sink a little, knowing that the younger was upset he had to stay behind to watch him...

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