Chapter Five

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Through out the ride home no one utter a word. Adam offer to drive us home saying that he was going near our area.

I sat at the passenger seat while Asmy at the back frowning, i know she is angry with me because I decided that we had to leave, but I don't have time to worry about her now, am still angry and surprise for the fact that, that jerk happens to be the prince which means I have to meet him every now and then unless...unless if I stop going to the palace all together, that's it, that's perfect. I thought

I smile at the thought but then I remember if Mami didn't see me for few days, she'll come herself to check on me and asked the reason why I haven't visit them.

I sighted heavy in frustration forgetting at all where I was "are you okay" Adam's voice rang inside my head.

I blink, and whisper in my head "come on Nawal do you really want to embarrass yourself in front of Adam now"

"Nawal" he called again giving me a side look. I smiled loving the way my name rolled up on his tongue

"Is nothing really" I mumbles gazing at my fingers. "am just a little tired"

"Of course, I bet you are" Asmy whisper yelled from the back sit.

I scoff and said "will you please be quiet? am tired and we're going home so just accept it".

"Do I have a choice" she retro in anger.

Turning to Adam "Please excuse her behavior, she is just angry at me for making her leave the palace"

"Yeah, I've noticed" He said gazing at me before he smirk and focused on his drive.

My throat feels tight as I stares at his perfect features, the way his perfect lips curve. He is just so perfect in every way and every woman's dream. another voice echo inside my head.

Our eyes meet, we gaze at each other, there are something about his eyes as if they hold some secrets that...

The knock on the window startled me, immediately I remove my eyes from his. Accessing my surroundings I realized that we've reached out house and Asmy is already out of the car.

I Sniffs and turn to look at him, he also seems nervous. Offering him my most innocent smile I murmured "Thanks again Adam I....we... really appreciate it"

I need to get out of this car, just looking at his face is making me loose my mind

I quickly put my hand on the handle that's when I heard his voice said It's my pleasure and am sorry about what the prince did to you at the bakery, is totally on call for".

I halt on my place so he knows, but how?

I turned around and looked at him "how did you know" I asked surprise written all other my face

A gentle smile broke on his lips "we were together that day, but I didn't enter the bakery and he kinda told me everything"

I just stares at him unable to say anything.

"And trust me" he continues with his hand still on wheel  "he regretted it very much and he even wanted to see you and apologize"

My eyes open wide in sock, He chuckled when he saw the way I reacted.

"I may believe everything but not the fact that he regret it to the extent that he wants to apologize..." I turn and face him straight "come on Adam he is the biggest egotistic jerk I ever meet" I pointed out

I watched as Adam burst into a sudden laughter that is like a melody to my ears. I didn't realize but am also smiling genuinely

Another knock on the window caught me off guard, I turned and watched Asmy as she mouth "can we go" gesturing towards our house with her hand.

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