Chapter Thirty Six

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Nawal's POV

"Come on Na'wal, you have to do this" Irene, my new friend bug me for the thousandth time today.

I roll my eyes as I look at her and said "Just call me Gift, you can't pronounce my real name anyway".

We're currently on our way back to my hotel room, after my shift at the coffee shop. I need to get some sleep before my night shift at the hotel.

"Whatever" she said blocking my way. "You need this" she said while pointing the envelope she is holding.

"This is a life time opportunity".

I sighed. Looking at her and said "Am not sure Irene, I might..."

She raised her hand to shush me. Twirling she said "Just look at me, the summer collection was sold within a week and thanks to that am now...

I just gaze at her. For the pass few months my life has been roller coaster. I don't know if I'll ever be ready for a commitment. Right now I like the way my life is, no expectations, no friends and no commitment".

But I think that came to an end the day I helped Irene.

I rub my hand on my forehead worried and said "I honestly don't know Irene, I might not be able to do it, I mean, I just love design but I don't think I can make it my profession"

Irene chuckles and said "I know you can do it. This scholarship is for you, Is fully funded. There is a potential in you, but only when you're ready to explore it".

I smile giving her a puppy eye. For the time I got to know Irene, I realize she is a very nice person, and fun to be around. She is bit older than me, cause she is in her late twenties. She works for Versace and the company is giving scholarship for fashion designers.

"And beside" She said cutting me off "Who wouldn't want to go to Paris" shrugging her shoulders "City of love".

I just smile as I walk pass her saying. "I can't let you get to my head".

"ISF, is the most Elite school of fashion in the whole world, If you graduate from there every fashion company will want to hire you..."

"Yeah, Whatever" I murmured as I went to collect my room key.

I was on my way out when I stares at the papers Irene left for me earlier. I reach my hand and carry it. International School Fashion is written boldly on it.

I sighed then drop it and murmured "Whatever, I have nothing to lose anyway". I took a deep breath then march to the door while saying "Paris it is".


Third Person POV.

Nawal walked out of the kitchen holding a warmer in her hands while smiling brightly. She wore a simple
sleeveless jumpsuit, with a scarf tied stylishly on her head, as her hair is show only at the middle.

She kept the warmer on the table as she gaze at both Prince Fahad and Farida that are sitting beside each other waiting for their breakfast while whispering something to each other.

They look so lovely like a lovey dovy couple. Something hit her hard on her chest but been the smart women that she is, her face stretched to a smile as she drag a chair and sat "Morning Family".

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