Chapter Eight

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"It can't be" he murmured, his jaw clenched staring at me with his eyes cold.

Adam looked at him, then turn to look at me and said "Nawal are sure is here, you might be mistaken".

With a sly smile on my lips, gazing at adam "Don't waste your breath Adam, am very sure about the order I

Turning my gaze to the prince "from today I am a sign as the new stylist of the prince with effect immediately".

To my utter amazement he let out a sudden laugh. I raised my browns in surprise. I thought the jerk will be furious.

And what came out of his mouth further annoyed the hell out of me.

With his signature smirk he said "you want to be my stylist right"

He said looking at me directly in the eyes. I raised my head to stares right back at his eyes and answered with a simple "yes" nodding my head

Talking small steps with grace he walk to where am standing, then bend a little to my ears he whispers "you're welcome to join, but am sure you're gonna regret it" loud enough for all of us to hear.

Moving back a little to get access to his face. I stood and said "fine, but am sorry, cause you gonna be greatly disappointed".

Smirking he said "deal".

"Deal" I responded.

Adam took swift steps and stood before the prince, whispering something in his ears. They both look at me at the same time while the prince shook his head with the smirk I wish to wipe off this face.

"If you all don't mind, I'll take my leave now expect me to start my work fully on monday" I said all the while pointing to the door.

"You may leave".

With that I turn and leave whispering "jerk" under my breath.


Prince Fahad's pov

I watch as she closes the door behind her, giving out a frustrated sigh, I turned to Adam who is watching me with blazing eyes.

"What" I question not quite sure I want to hear his thoughts on the matter.

"You shouldn't have done that" he voices out, clearly showing his disapproval.

Giving him a side look I march to the sofa and sat down. Knowing quite well what's going on in his head "what's between you and that girl Adam" I asked closing my eyes and resting my head on the arm rest.

And there it is, his voice quickly change from concern to denial.

Putting his hands in his pocket "Nothing am just looking out for her, we grown up in the same environment and I know how hard it is to mix with you Royal".

I immediately opened my eyes and narrow them at him saying "seriously Adam".

The room grew quit for a minute before he said

"look am sorry man, is just that you're so temperamental, working under you will be hard for her, is better to work with QueenRabia or someone else".

I stood up and stares at him my hand curled into a fist, am very sure if it wasn't Adam that said this, i could have shown him exactly how temperamental I can be.

"Wow" I said with a chuckle "you know what? I'll pretend I didn't hear what you said"

with that I walked out of the parlour cause I know staying there will only make me regret it later.

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