Chapter Twenty Five

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Third Person POV

"Something is wrong" Asmy said with a worried expression looking at their Mother.

Umma used her hand to wipe away the little tears that gather on her eyes while trying desperately to prevent Asmy from seeing.

"Nothing is wrong, that's how every girl feels when she is about to go to her husband's house" Umma said playing with her fingers, trying to distract myself from the situation.

Asmy observe their Mother, with just one gaze at her you can detect worried all over her.

People have already gather at their house since today is the wedding niqah, but the bride has been crying since yesterday night after the sa lalle.

She refuse to talk to anyone including their Father. It was a miracle when Asmy enters the room this morning and found her asleep on the prayer mat.

The previous night she left the room for her since she refused to tell her anything even after Umma and Abba talk to her. That made Asmy to go back to their Mother's room and sleep there.

"I can feel it, I definitely know something is wrong, "Oww! Asmy exclaimed "Do you think maybe the Prince said he is not going through with it that's...."

The look that Umma gave her made her to shut her mouth as she use her hand to cover the it saying "Stupid mouth, am sure that's not the case, He called me this morning saying he is worried about her cause she is not answering her phone".

Umma sighed in frustration then she looks at Asmy and said "Go help your sister get ready, they'll soon be done with the wedding niqah and they're coming here to take pictures before the reception".

"Okay" Asmy answers while dropping the pillow she clutched on her chest "Although am not sure her face will be recognizable".

Umma gave her another warning look. The raised her hand in surrender while saying "Fine, am going".

With that she left Umma alone in their Father's room as she stride to their room.

Umma stood up and walk to the bedside drawer. She open it and brought out a photo album. Opening the photo album she stares at a particular picture of a young woman. "I hope we're doing the right thing". She murmured then she uses the back of her hand to clean the tears that came down her face.


"You need to get up and get ready" Asmy said to her sister that's staring at one place intensely for the last one hour or so.

"Is pass 10 Already, any moment from now the wedding niqah will be over and they'll be here for pictures" Asmy with a soft voice still trying to convince her sister to get up and get ready.

"People, including your friends already filled this house and they're all asking of you". She whined further.

Still Nawal did not move from her place or utter any word to Asmy. Instead she reach for her phone then type something furiously, before she shoved it back to the bed without giving Asmy a glance.

Moments later the phone bibs as she extend her hand and took it. Scrolling through it she raised her head and stares at Asmy then said "Done, They're not coming but going directly to the reception".

A quick gasps escape Asmy's lips. Then she scoff not believing what her sister just did. She doesn't need to tell her who she text.

The moment she drop her phone Asmy's phone rang. She stares at the caller then stand up and leave the room not wanting to answer the call in front of Nawal.

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