Chapter Fourty Three

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Nawal's POV

Our Dubai trip was a very memorable one, the one I know I can't never forget in my life. We attended Mahra's wedding together which lasted for a week before they flew to Greece for their honeymoon.

Mahra's husband is from one of the Elite families of Dubai, just like Mahra, that's why their marriage was so grand.

We spend another two weeks for our own honeymoon slash shopping for our baby. Since I am still in my first quarter of pregnancy, "My Sunshine" what I call him, insist that we buy clothes for both gender's but I, on the other hand refused, insisting that my baby is gonna be a baby girl.

"You're just a mouth and some weeks pregnant, how can you know the gender" he asked irritated while shrugging his shoulders.

I just pout as I move and snatch the set of baby boy's clothes he is was holding. "I just know it" I insist.

"You just..." He started angrily, when I cut him with "You can buy for Farida since she is having a baby boy you know".

He just glare at me as he moves to another section of the store while I shrugs and continue with my shopping.

That day we spend the entire day with him looking grumpy, I didn't mind him much cause I was busy enjoying my shopping, I did brought some few things for Farida's baby, although am not sure she will accept it.

After that, We flew to UK, and spend another three weeks there. Of course Mami and the rest are all worried special about me saying that is too early for me to be going up and down, cause it might be fatal, it didn't mind them much, I was enjoying my trip as we forget about all our worry and focus on ourselves and improving our relationship.

I had some few work related things to take care in UK so for the first week I mostly spend it in and out of the office.

I started having morning sickness right before we came back and having some changes, I easily get irritated or angry and sometimes I cried for no reason.

Just like the day we are coming back to Nigeria, He decided to make break fast for us since I mostly end up throwing up when we go to the restaurant, when I came down, I found that he fry egg for us and the egg is burn a little.

"You burn the egg" I said with my voice breaking while standing before the table.

"What?" He asked confused as he stop preparing out tea.

"You burn the egg" I repeated crying profusely as I point at the plate.

He open his mouth to talk, then press it back as he drag a chair to sit down.

"How can you burn the egg" I asked still crying while pointing at the egg.

He just ran his hand on his forehead, then fold them on his chest as he continue staring at me.

I cried for almost 10mins before he finally come and hold me, taking me back to our living room, that's how I ended up sleeping there on his chest.


"I hope everything is okay with you" Mami asked in a concern voice.

It was the next morning after we came back, when we got here it was late so we didn't meet with anyone at all, after my rest I decided to come and see Mami while the Prince I have no idea where he went to, his office or to see his wife. And I don't care.

"Everything is good Mami you don't have to worry" I assure her with a smile, we're currently in her room talking.

She nods her head, analysis me. Then she smile and said "And you look good too, am happy you guys left the negativity of the Palace for a while".

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