Chapter Thirty Nine

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Nawal's POV

I never thought that I could be this happy in my life, especially after everything that happened in the last five years.

Right now, my life is complete and perfect. I couldn't ask for more.

Farida moved out for over 2 months now. They did have a lot of disagreement before she finally agrees to move, But with the condition that her house will be ready before she gives birth.

She is in second quarter of her pregnancy now and things couldn't get weirder, she is always having interviews about how she is gonna be the Queen once her son in born. And she also open a pregnancy club that they meet every weekend in her garden.

The parliament are still opposing me as the Future Queen but the King refuse to sign the bill and they need his signature before they can attack me directly. And for some unknown reason Umma Magajiya is been nice to me, well not really unknown cause I did blackmail her into it.

I caught Farida and her maids more than 10 times snooping around my room, I just ignored their attempt cause am sure she wouldn't fine it anywhere.

I drag the curtains as light shine throughout the room, turning to look at him, he stretch in his sleep then groan while running his hand through his hair "Do we have to wake up now".

Smiling I walk to the bed and put by hands at his either side then whispers "Yes Mr, is 10 O'clock already".

"But is Sunday" He whined with his eyes still close.

"Yeah" I murmured back, I sat straight beside him and said "Breakfast will be ready in 10mins so you need to wake up".

"But I don't want to eat" he continue grumpily.

I chuckles, staring at my husband, this is one of my blessed morning when I have to wake him up just to take his bath and have breakfast.

I move to his head as a place a quick kiss on his lips then stood up and said "Get up if you want another one".

He quickly open his eyes while extending his hand to drag me, but I beat it moving about three arms lengths.

"That's not fair" he said grumpy. I laugh going inside the closet and yelled "9 mins" behind my shoulders.


Walking down the stairs with husband hand in hand felt just so perfect, ever since Farida left, we would do whatever we want at whatever time and place as long as he is here with me I know I can overcome everything.

Third Person POV

"Wow" Prince Fahad exclaimed. "French toast..." he said placing his fork beside the plate.

"Is made by this beautiful wife of yours" Nawal said fluttering her brows.

Prince Fahad just chuckles looking at her as he took the first bit of his toast. This add to one of his favorite thing to do in the morning, eating breakfast alone with his Nawal.

They eat happily as they are use to while talking, joking and playing like some kids.

When they're done, Nawal took the dirty plates to the kitchen, then she came back and found him standing while adjusting his watch.

"I'll be in the gym" he murmured pecking her forehead.

"I'll come with you" Nawal said moving to pick her phone on the table.

"Don't bother" Prince Fahad said while sliding his hands into his pocket with a wide grin on his face.

"Why?" She asked absentmindedly turning to face him with her best puppy face.

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