Chapter Twelve

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Nawal's POV.

I push close the oven's door then twirled around and pick the spatula on the counter. Using it as a mic I started miming the song a was listening to "I like me better by lauv".

I twirled until I reach the fridge and open it, then took out chocolate sprinkles, Gazing to the door I found Umma and Asmy standing by it, murmuring something to themselves.

I continue my dance and twirling in the kitchen miming the song.

"What is going on with you" I turned and found a frowning Asmy standing near me.

"Me?, Nothing" I said while I went and checked on my cup cakes.

"I was right when I told Umma to get Imam and do rukiya for you". She state clearly thinking that something is wrong with me.

Sitting on the counter, I face Asmy, raising both my hands and said "Am fine Asmy, in fact never been better". As a wide grin appear on my face.

"Really?" she asked not believe a word that came out of my mouth. I just shrugs my and reach my hand to off the song I was listening to.

"I just don't get you this passed weeks, you been acting weird" Asmy continue her complains still gazing at me with weird eyes.

My face gracefully lit to an amazing smile, just thinking about it makes me so happy. Everything has been going so perfect for some weeks now, and I spend sometimes with the prince either telling me what he like or just gisting about anything in general which makes me thinks he really is a great person.

I shrugged and said "Nothing"

"You're blushing" she said pointing to my face.

I quickly frown and use both my hands to cover my cheeks while saying "No am not".

Folding her arms to her chest, and giving me deathly glares she asked "it is about Adam".

"What" I asked narrowing my eyes at her "No" while I jump down from the counter

"Then, what happened?" she demanded furiously.

I turned and face her, then tilted my head and said "Asmy have you forgotten am older than you? You can not just be getting angry at me for no reason".

"Then act like your older than me if you don't want me to treat you like you're younger". She deadpan

Sighing I said "Fine" turning to face her "My work in going great at the palace and I think the prince is super nice person" I Finished the sentence with a wide grin on my face.

Asmy sighed and asked "So, he is the reason behind the sulky face some weeks back and also the reason behind this happy face for some weeks".

My eyes grow wide ready to come out of their sockets "How did you know that" I asked my voice full of surprise

"Nawal" she said while closing her eyes and rubbing her hands on her forehead "I've known you for my entire 17years of life".

I just shook my head then pout and said.

"Am just so happy that everything is over and he is going to be wearing the clothes I choose for him which means my career as a designer is finally taking off and am so thrill, yey yey" I said while doing a victory dance

"And what's with the cupcakes" she asked while coming back to her normal cheerful self.

"Well" I started while bringing out the cupcakes from the oven "that's the catch, I'll have to be taking cakes for him everyday".

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