Chapter Fifteen

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The week's blur by quickly. It's been 4weeks now after the controversy of The prince and Farida yet the whole emirate are keeping quiet about it, no article from them, no press release even if they asked the Prince or the king or even queen's they'll just brush it off with a laugh.

Around 2pm in the afternoon I left school then decide to stop by the palace to see Mami, she traveled since last week and came back yesterday.

Plus I haven't been to the palace for almost a week now, and some of the prince clothes arrived few days ago which means I need to organise it in the right place before he scatter it everywhere.

I decide to finish up in his side before going to Mami's. I was in the middle of arranging the clothes while listening to señorita by Shawn and Camila all the while miming the song.

"Señorita right?" Started, I turn gazing at the face i wish to avoid today. I don't know why, whenever I think about him, that images of him of Farida will appear in my head.

I turn back and continue arranging his ties then pout and ask "How do you do that?, sneak up on everyone without your feet been heard".

He chuckle and said "Obviously is because you're so engross in..." He gesture with his hand, as he stares at his wardrobe, not finding the right word to say, he continue with "Whatever it is you're doing that's why you didn't hear me approaching".

I turn and look at him giving him a questionable look with my eyes wide open.

"Fine" he said while dragging a chair to sit "Sorry" he continues.

Since I finished with everything I also sat while asking "what are you doing here anyway, I though you're out".

With his normal stern face he answered "I heard you're here so I decided to come and see you, I missed seeing your face and talking to you".

I gasps softly as I stares directly in his eyes, for some unknown reason, I feel as if he is telling the truth, which made my heart skip a beat as it continue beating erratically under my rib cage.

I quickly divert my eyes from his as the beating under my rib cage increase while the air around us grow think. "What in the hell is wrong with me"  a voice shouted inside my head. I close my eyes and took a deep breathe, and open them. I need to control this somehow. My lips broke to a mischievous smile before I said "Ha Ha real funny, you should be an actor it'll suit you".

"You don't believe me" he asked smiling while his voice sounding a little sad.

"Not in a million years" I answer while trying to hide my nervousness.

"Then if..." He started and got cut off by a quick small strike getting closer with each seconds. "Oh my God" the prince said while rolling his eyes "she found me".

Without asking I knew exactly who he is hiding from and the jerk lie to me which my heart almost believed.

"Tell her am not here" he said as he stood and almost ran and hide under the staircase.

"Sure I will" I answered with a slay smile on my lips.

Not a minute after he hid, she barge in wearing a jeans and a shirt, with turban tied on her head.

She jug in almost missing a step or two until she lands on the floor.
Without giving me much regard she access the closet while I just sat there gazing at her.

After she finish whatever it is she is doing she turns and look at me with a deep scowl then asked "Where is he" while gritting her teeth.

I smile as I took my hand bag, then got down to the chair and walk majestically to where he is hiding, with my phone in hands, I bend a little then flash the camera and snap him a picture, content with the outcome, I smiled and said "Your welcome, have fun" while tilting my head towards her.

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