Chapter Fourty

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Nawal's POV

I stares at the two strangers in our living room with a nervous smile on their faces while still trying to register what I heard and what the man said.

"Nawal" The woman said as she stride towards me while she attempt to hold my hand.

I quickly move and hide behind Abba with a nerve wrecking feeling but still try to put a smile. "Of course" I whispers from behind Abba while staring at my bracelet, "Aswan".

That's what's encrypted on it that we couldn't figure out for years. I took my gaze to the woman, from all indication, the woman is rich, not just rich but super rich, even the way she is standing with poise and elegance, a middle age woman, just like Umma in fact they may be the same age I think.

They all gaze at me and Umma use her hand to wipe her tears which she didn't know that I have seen.

The woman chuckles in what seems to be happiness as tears drop to her cheeks while the man put his hand on her shoulders. As their faces stretched to another nervous smile.

"Baby" She whispers barely audible as she took another steps.

Abba quickly move forward as I move beside Umma and hold her arm. "You need to leave" he yells at the woman, then look at the man and said "Take YOUR wife he hell out of MY house" his veins pop on while clenching his jaw, with his hand curl to a fist.

In all my life I've never since Abba so angry and Umma looking so scared, the room is just so cold and you can cut the tension on the air.

"You don't have to tell us what to do, we are going to leave with our daughter" The man said as they stares at each other with pure hatred.

"She is MY daughter" Abba murmured, turning to look at the woman he said "You need to leave Aamal, we both know what am capable of if this get ugly".

The woman just give him a glare, she turn and look at Umma then she turn to the man, whispering something to him.

They both look at us then she murmured "I'll be back..."

Umma cut her with "Don't bother, you're obviously not welcome ".

The two women glare at each other before she turn and together with the man then leave our parlor.

As soon as I heard the entrance closes, I took a deep breath then slumps on the sofa, running my hand on my forehead I whispers "That was so intense".

I look at their faces, I know that look very well, they're all quiet, anxiously waiting for me to start bombarding them with question.

I smile looking at their intense faces. I'll like to think that I know better, we all have our little secrets.

Although I'll love nothing more than to know why these people call me their daughter. But I'll wait, whatever it was if they hide it for 23 years then I definitely think it's worth it.

God knows am trembling on the inside, am afraid of whatever the truth might be, but I can't put my parents in difficult situation.

They're ready worried about my whole life as it is, and now this, which I still don't understand what it is. I need to be strong, to show them I can handle whatever the truth might be.

Umma came and sat beside me still wiping her tears, with look of raw pains on her face while Abba just stood there looking scared, confused and in pain.

" sorry..." Umma stammer holding my hands as she sobs.

And that moment my hear breaks, for once since I step my leg inside the house today my mind is making me consider the possibility of those people words being true.

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