Chapter Twenty One

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Dedicated to the fans of Becoming  Royal.

Nawal's POV

Gazing at myself on the mirror, I ran my hand through my hair that looks like nest, my mind flash back to what The prince said yesterday about my hair.

A smile crimped on my face as  I remember our little chat. Everything happened so sudden I jut can't digest it well. The fact that am the Prince's to be wife or the fact that he has crush on me.

My face became red just thinking of how he confess to me and ask me to consider being his wife. Is that even possible? I asked myself. I mean he is THE Prince, the number one bachelor all over Nigeria. He'll have everything he want at the snap of his finger. But how can he wants me. The boring, ordinary, crazy me.

Putting the relationship that our parents create for us aside he said he wants me even before he finds out am the one.

I put both my hands to cover my face, feeling shy to even gaze at myself at the mirror. I don't know why I feel shy all of the sudden. As if he was still sitting on the bed with his signature smile looking at me.

"Adam" I voice rang inside my head. I quickly remove my hand from my face and stares at my terrible face on the mirror.

How can I forget him? In my defence a lot happens maybe that's why. I try to give myself a reason. And beside Adam doesn't like me while the prince likes me. I smile at the thought.

Then quickly frown my face. How can I smile and forget about Adam just because the Prince says he likes me.

But then it drawn to me as I open my month to a wordless "O" sound.

"What is wrong with you" Asmy's voice asked with her normal pitchy voice.

I turn and look at her then asked "Does crush has an expiring date?" I asked my face looking as innocent as ever.

She stares at me while raising her eye brows, before she fake gasps while putting her hands on her chest and said. "Am sure he will consider, if he ever get to see the state you're in right".

"What are you talking about...?" I asked as I move strand of hair that almost enter my mouth.

Asmy scoff in disbelief as she shook her head then said "For you, is definitely a yes..." She trails with her hand on her hip. "Beside you said, should have known by this time, cause the whole world already knows".

I stood up with a slump shoulder as I walk directly to the bed then fall down on i. Staring at the ceiling, I took a deep breathe and said "I thought I like Adam, but I think at some point I stop liking him without realizing".

Asmy sighed, then roll her eyes in frustration "Am sure you haven't seen this that's why you're worried about who you have a crush on and who you don't".

I pursed my lips to thin line as I sat on my elbow then ask "What do you mean?".

She just went straight to the TV switch and on it then took the remote and change the channel to TVC New.

To my utter disbelief is my picture that stares back at me and beside it is the Prince's with write up "our Cinderella finally found".

I open both my mouth and eyes staring at it "What's going on?".

Asmy sat beside me and said "Is everywhere and they think is Umma Magajiya that did it".

I roll my eyes in frustration then fall back in bed and said "I thought is all over".

"Is far from being over sis" Asmy said tapping on my leg gently.

"I forgot just how horrible it is in the palace. Umma magajiya alone can finish me". I complain in all honestly.

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