Chapter Twenty Six

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His gaze caught her's . They held each others gaze for some second before he turn fully and face her. She smile as as continue descending down the stairs

She reach the last step on the stairs then stop and held his gaze. He blink his eyes with the most beautiful smile on his face, standing on the foot of the stairs he bow down while extending his hands at her he murmured "My Lady".

Smiling, as she held his soft hands in hers then said "My Fahad".

You can hear gasps and chuckles with click of camera from all the part of the room.

But right now the two couple are in their own world gazing at each other with such intensity and love. Fahad slips his hand on her waist while holding her other hand in his. Nawal smile too aware of his hand on her waist that is sending electric shock all over her body.

"Shall we" he whisper lovely in her ears.

She just smile and nods her head at him.

They simply move out follow by their friends behind.

White limousine was waiting for them outside. They move to the door as The Prince open it then help Nawal get in, then he got in as the chauffeur drove out of the compound follow by the rest of the people.

The ride was a long one Nawal realize as she took her gaze to her hand tracing the design of henna on it. They sat adjacent to each other with the prince and he has been staring at her for the entire time which makes Nawal start feeling conscious of her every move, including each breath she takes. His intense gaze is fixed on her without a blink.

She raised her head and stole a glace then she finally get the courage to murmur "Can you cut it a bit, am getting really uncomfortable here".

"Hmm" Fahad snaps out of his thought, waiting for her to continue. His mind is creating all sort of things about her that he did even hear what she said.

Nawal stares at him surprised, she is 100% sure he didn't hear what she said which means he was deep in his thought.

She bit her lips, looking anywhere but his face she asked "What are you thinking about?"

Rather than listening to her, his eyes is focused on her lips as he stares at it, wondering what it will feel like kissing her plump lips. Normally they're light shades of pink, but today they seems darker.

And again Nawal realize he is deep in this thought she turn and face him directly then use her hand to wave at his gaze while whispering "Prince Fahad".

He caught her hands then gaze at her directly before he let go of her hand while saying "Don't do that again".

"Do what" Nawal asked sitting back comfortably on her seat.

Fahad grab the bottle of water beside him and drain the contain. Just the mare glance at her face makes him lose his sanity. He took the remote and increase the Air conditioner at the same time give her a side glance then found her biting her lips again he gasps and drop the remote then point at her saying "That, don't do it again"

"Biting my lips" Nawal asked surprise "Why the hell not?"

He crock his brows and said "If you don't want to get in trouble stop that".

Nawal chuckles softly. This is new, she tilts her head, gazing at him directly. "What's worst thing that can happen".

Prince smirk then he chuckles and said "Trust me, you don't what to know that".

Nawal tilted her head feeling a little daring, then rose her brows doing exactly what he told her not too.

Fahad move swiftly and drag her to his legs, then hold her face in his hand, he stares at her for a mili seconds before he capture her lips

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