Chapter Twenty

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Dedicated to All the fans of Becoming Royal.

She storm inside his parlor looking so angry to the extend her whole body is shaking in anger. She didn't even mind the maids that where busy working there, and the guards that where guarding the place.

Walking to his bedroom door she turn around and face them then shouted "leave".

All of them stop what they're doing and face her, including the guards cause is very unlike Mami, being angry at the worker's to the extend she shouts at them.

"I said leave" she yells again while closing her eye's.

All the maids drop what they where doing and rush out of the parlor while the guards close the giant double door behind.

The door where she stood open and the King appear before it,

By just looking at her he knows that something is wrong to make her this mad when they did not even have break fast.

He put his hand on her arms cause he can see just how disturb she is.

"What is wrong?" He asked with a soothing tone.

Turning to look at the rest of the guards "Out, all of you" she shouts again.

They all quickly ran out while closing the door behind them.

"Please tell me Aduwiya, what's going on" he asked while putting both his hands on her shoulder's concern evident on his voice.

She looks at him straight in the eyes then brought out the Monday morning paper's that she was holding.

From the cover page, their picture is boldly showing. The moment he register what's going on, he looks at her while fisting his grip on the news paper.

"Who did this" he asked his jaw clenched and vnse, popping out.

Mami took her sit on the sofa as she scoff and say "Do you honestly have no idea who did it".

She asked while wiping the tears that came down her face.

He sat on the center table in front of her while rubbing his forehead then asked "Where is Fahad".

Mami sniffles and said "He must be in his side".

"Does he know" he asked

"Am not sure, but is just a matter of time before he knows" Mami answer

"Fine" he said as he stood up "I'll handle this myself".

"Be careful" Mami said concern "Am sure she have spies everywhere in this palace".

King Abdullah chuckles then said "Am done hiding things, she wants war? I'll give her that".

With that he left her and she doesn't need anyone to tell her where he is heading.


Umma magajiya sat on her bed while her handmaiden sat beside her losing her hair for her. By her right is her jakadiya holding iPad with a wicked grin on her face.

"My Queen, things are good now" she stated.

Umma magajiya smirk then extend her hand and collect the iPad from jakadiya.

"This is just the beginning" she said as she scroll through it, with a brief smile on her face "I'll make sure to teach them a lesson, they'll never forget".

She continue while scrolling down on the iPad "Beside the king is not using his sense here, he has forgotten that the emirates will never accept her".

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