Chapter Eighteen

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The days pass by in a blur with me ignoring everyone including Asmy. I refused to get another phone like everyone wanted me to including Mami cause she came here at least trice. I always give them excuse that I need a break from it.

Its still a nightmare to me even after Abba explain everything to me. Well not everything, he explain the basic saying that he'll tell me the rest when it is time.

As for my work, I hand in MY resignation letter which was officially declined by the Prince. And Umma said am been irresponsible which Asmy support her which made me to reach the conclusion of being angry at both of them.

Putting my earrings, my mind wonder back to what Umma said this morning when she enter our room and find me laying down on our bed. She thinks that am running away from my problem saying that I should face them head on cause running away will not help me.

Deciding to face on my demons, I got ready to go to the palace.

I slipped my veil and carry my handbag, looking at myself in the mirror I took a long breath, then turn and stride to the door.

I bump into Asmy by the door, who seems surprised when she saw me, then she smile accessing me and said "Am happy you decide to go".

"Well don't be, cause am still angry at you" I snapped looking at her

"You're allowed to" she retro with a smile.

I started moving without uttering a word, that's when Asmy hold my hand and said "You are nervous".

I look at her in the eyes and realize just how calm she looks.

"You look flawless as usually, but putting black henna on your nails doesn't do the trick"

I rolled my eyes at her then asked "What's your point Asmy?".

"Don't be nervous" she tilted her head as an assuring smile appear on her face. "Everything is going to be alright, I just know it".

Staring at her for a moment I almost believe what she said but deep down inside I know that things are far from being okay.

Gazing at my fingers, I chuckle just thinking how Asmy knows me so well.

Which include me putting black henna on my nails whenever am nervous is kind of a way to hide my real feelings.

I took another deep breath, not wanting to let her see just how worried I am right now, walking pass her, I leave the room without uttering a word.

I met Umma in her room and inform her that am going to the palace.

She smiled with her eyes soft telling me to extend her regards to Mami. I shook my head as a took my leave wondering why do they always say to extend their regards when they're always on phone with each other.

Going to the palace today is just so different. Ever since I came I felt like everyone is staring at me. Which made me so conscious of myself.

I went to Mami's side but I was told she is out and they have no idea where Sultana is. Well that serves me right for not having a phone, cause I could have just call them and asked.

There is a little distance between the prince side and Mami's. I decide to drag my legs there hoping and praying desperately to not meet him cause I have no idea how to act with my new knowledge of whatever it is between us.

Abba told me he is not sure whether the prince knows, but promise to let me know once he and the king reach a conclusion about us.

I chuckles thinking that I just said us in my mind, he is someone that is way out of leigh why in the hell did I just said US?

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