Chapter Eleven

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A lay awake in bed staring at the ceiling. Ever since I came back from the palace today, I been quiet, too quiet for everyone's liking. Umma asked me so many times I just told her that am fine, am just feeling under the weather.

It worked, except for Asmy that disturbed me for quite sometimes then ignore me when I refuse to tell her anything.

I turned around in bed and stares at Asmy deep asleep. I wish I'll be able to sleep the way she sleeps, deep in her sleep without any care whether the world is spinning or not.

I sat up, holding my legs in my chest, I wish you can unknown things after knowing them. I don't even know what's wrong with me. All I know is that am feeling so sorry for the prince, the things he went through, is not every one that can go through them and still stand on his legs.

One thing I know is that he is a survival. I think that's why he is working hard helping children in need.

We were in the salon when Sultana told me about organization that he is managing to help children, that's when I decide to search about it and I found so many things that he did.

He didn't even spend a year here since his returned, but no one ever achieved what he achieved in just months.

I feel so ashamed of myself for misunderstanding such a great person.

Sighing, I took my phone that's laying down on the bedside drawer, checking the time, I sighed again realizing is already passed midnight. I stood up and do the only  possible thing that I know can help me now, going to the toilet I perform my ablution and came out, then lay my praying mat and started praying.


It's been two weeks, two fucking weeks I haven't seen the prince. I don't know whether he is avoiding me or am the one avoiding him. But then he doesn't have a reason to avoid me, but I have.

Arranging his clothes in his wardrobe I realized he haven't use the clothes I brought out for him since the first week I started working here.

After I finished arranging the clothes, on my way out, I stares at his study door, tempting to open it, I unconsciously put my hand on the door handle "but what are you going to tell him?"  a voice rang in my head.

Rolling my eyes, I let go and walk out of the room.

I was on my way back to his closet, when I heard a foot steps and surprisingly his voice. I didn't know what possessed me but I just ran out, opening the door that'll lead me to where am hearing his voice, and I collied with something hard, "ouuchh" I said while robbing my forehead.

But then my eyes made contact with two legs which made me realize it wasn't the wall I collided with but a person. Raising my head my eyes meet with the most adorable brown eyes I ever seen. I smiled unknowingly. How is that even possible? His eyes always sparkle even in the afternoon. And for the first time I realized that after the pain, the cold. There is something soft about them. As if telling you "everything is going to be OK."

Realizing we where staring at each other I quickly I removed my eyes from his, "Hi" I said nervous as hell while waving my hand.

He just look at me taken aback by my gesture.

Smiling I continue "I wanted to talk to you, that's if it's alright with you".

Narrowing his eye brows he whispers to the phone "Let me call you back".

Then remove it from his ears. he looked at me with his face all serious, putting both his hands in his trouser's pocket "Let's talk".

I fold my hands in my chest to help me look defensive cause I have no idea what to discuss with him. An idea suddenly snuck on my head. "About your clothes..." I trails "You haven't use the once I bought out for you since last week, may I know why?".

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