Chapter Thirty One

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As salaam Alaikum guys. Iftar Mubarak.

I know you guys will be confuse to why we went about 5 years leap in just about 2 chapters. The reason is that whatever I'll write in this 5 years will not be relevant to the story since our main character is not there. So I decide to move on with the story, but am sure we'll definitely have some flash backs. I hope you're all cool with it.😇😇

She looks so innocent sleeping next to him. Sometimes he wonder whether she is capable of deceit. For the pass five year they've lived, He realize that she is not a bad person but very naive, and trying to pleases everyone around her. Their life is working like a normal average couple now.

When the public found out about their private marriage, they went nuts, but he was able to control the situation after a very uncompromising press conference they had together.

He still remember it vividly how the reporter asked him "What about the Crown Princess, What was her reaction when you told her you're getting married to Princess Farida".

He was tongue struck at first, cause he wasn't anticipating any question about her.

But he gather his courage and reply with a smile "You know, No woman in this world like a co-wife, My Nawal included" The place roars with laughter. He just smile as he continue with "but she IS the most understand person I know..." He trails watching the whole eyes on him. "And she's cool with it".

"But what if problem where to arise between the two Princess on who is to be crown Princess, since the current Crown Princess is not from the elite family, record and laws shows that right from the founding of this Emirate only the elite can marry the royals, that's apart from other royalties" The reporter asked

He still can remember his answer vividly that day when he said "Nawal is the Crown Princess, and no one can or will change. I don't care about her family status, She is my Queen, and Your Queen".

That statement he made that day made he and Nawal much more famous.

And later on he even release a statement where he abolish the law that says The crown Prince only marries a Princess or from an elite family.

From that day he avoid public gathering especially with Farida, Even  when he is invited with either if his wife. He'll just give a flimsy excuse that's all. At some point people start asking him of Nawal and even the press, considering that Farida and Umma Magajiya are always together at her events. He gave the excuse that "They're family that's why, and Nawal have other things that are keeping her busy, which by the way she receive some criticism about it, which made him to regret it later, but he honestly don't know what to tell them, he can't just say "Ohh hey, she left me on the first night of our wedding".

That's always his excuse whenever he is asked about her or he'll simply say that she travels.

That happens three years ago after Nawal left, but today his very own Father is making him a liar is front of the entire nation by giving the title of the Crown Princes to Farida.

It's been almost a month when he told him about his intention, he beg him but still he refuse to change his mind.

He confronted Farida about it since his Father refuse to change his mind, but the way she reacted and cried that day made him realize she doesn't know what's going on. He realize he has been too hash on her, after all she's done nothing more than loving him.

And today they've finally, showing Farida to the whole world as the future Queen. Her crownation day is today, which the King schedule himself.

He give her one last look before he got off the bed. "Heyyy" He heard her sleepy voice as she stretch her hands.

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