Chapter Twenty Four

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"I just don't understand you, How can you insist on having only henna day and wearing laffaya for the event" Asmy whined for the hundredth times this morning.

I tilted my head stretching one side of the laffaya and extending it to her saying "hold this".

She is currently helping me tie my laffaya and blabbing for the last one hour or so.

"You're going to be the crown princess for God sake" she continues "Henna day" she pouts then tied the first end of the laffaya and wave her hand "Who does that".

I just smile at her and said "me" then continue with my thing.

Umma asked me want I wanted and I honestly don't want to draw so much attention since people's attention are already on me. I want everything to be done in a low key and beside I don't want to burden my parent with all the expensive cause am sure they can not afford it.

That's why I decided to just have henna day, I'll dress up and sit for the henna to be applied on me and then all the rest of the guest that comes they'll have henna applied on them and we'll have food and drinks then snap some pictures. That's all.

Since that day Asmy and Sultana have be bugging me about it, telling me I should decide on something else but I refuse.

"How do I look?" I asked Asmy as I smile at myself on the mirror.

"Good as usual" She reply frowning.

"Come on Asmy" I said holding both her hands in mine "Don't you pity our parents".

"But Umma said you don't have to worry about all the expensive, they can afford it, Mami and the King are willing to help out" Asmy defended sounding so angry

"Come here" I said dragging her to the bed. We sat site by site then I shook my head and said "Asmy what about our pride? And dignity? The king and Mami did so many things for us in life, we are grown ups now, we should be able to help our parents and ourselves".

"They just offered to help out cause they know the expensive will be much" Asmy said

"Yeah, but they have done enough I don't want them doing anything again for my family. Yes, we're poor but we should also have our pride, we should not take their generosity for granted" I explain.

Asmy pout and said "I just don't understand the three of you, you also decline when they offered to do the interior decorations of your house".

I stood up putting my hand on my hip and said "I don't want them to, I want everything there to be brought with mine and my parent's money".

Asmy sighed while rolling her eyes
"I forgot just about that, what about the cake business, you know you have to stop it now"

"About that Umma said she'll continue from now on..."

"Asma'u I been waiting...." Umma stop mid sentence as she walk in to our room and stares at me.

"Masha Allah" she said with a soft smile.

I stood straight smiling and asked "How do I look".

She blink her eyes as it instantly start tearing "Like my daughter". She whispers out.

I smile with a worried expression and said "But now that Asmy said it, I think is a bad idea chosen the laffaya for henna"

"No Nawal" Umma retro "Is nice and am sure your Father will like it too, the color suit you well".

"I actually choose it cause you always says green suit me well and is your favorite color" I explain excited.

Umma just chuckles as her eyes wrinkle. She move to where am standing then hold my arms and said "May Allah protect you Always".

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