Chapter Seventeen

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We sat in a comfortable silent as Adam drove out of the palace, I gaze at his direction through my side view and notice he is looking at me with a smile on his face. I smiled too and then turn my head to face him directly but he quickly put his eyes on the road which made me to chuckle and ask "What?" while grinning.

"Nothing" he answered simply still smiling.

"I know you're thinking about what a did earlier" I said as a matter of a fact while waving my hand.

He smile tilting his head and said "maybe".

"You see, I know that you're thinking about it" I said as my smile increases.

Fixing my gaze to the other side I sighed "Gossshh, I have no idea what came over me, am just so angry at him"

Which is strange cause 99% of the times I felt angry at him, then it'll suddenly change to a feeling of wanting to impress him, which is why I always arrange his closet to perfection and make sure that his clothes are also perfect and whenever he compliment me I feel happy about it. Which made me to reach the conclusion of always avoiding him.

"I've never seen anyone behave that way with the Prince" Adam suddenly retro.

"Why? Because he is the Prince" I asked nonchalantly with my eyes still on the road.

"Not really" he said casually.

Shaking my head I said "Even when he is that annoying"

"No, You know he has that kind of vibe that you can not talk back at him easily, just looking at his eyes..."

"Makes you forget about everything and just get lost in them" I complete it for him dreamily as I imagine his brown eyes that I normally get lost in which is also the reason why I avoid looking at him directly in the eyes.

I turn gazing at Adam and found him watching me intensely with a weird expression. "Sorry..." I said shyly when I realize what I just said, then turn my gaze to the road.

"Adam watch out"  I shouted as we almost collide with another car.

He quickly stop the car as we both  somersaulted almost hitting the dash board.

I whisper "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihim raju'un".

"Are you OK" I heard his voice asking.

Turning to look at him "Am alright, You".

He just close his eyes, relief wash through his face before he open them, then roll his glass to apologize to the people.

My phone started ringing the moment he roll back the glass. Gazing at him briefly I answer it, putting it on my ear.

I close my eyes just hearing her voice as she asked "Did you get it or did you guys get caught".

"Not now Asmy" I whisper, feeling tired all of the sudden.

"Why? What happened?" she asked her voice full of excitement.

I open my eyes and said "I'll tell you when I get back".

"Fine, but can you buy ice cream for me and I want the..."

I cut her off saying "Don't even bother telling me cause am not buying".

"Pleasssse" she whine "The candy cane ice cream or the French vanilla".

"You can keep dreaming about it and stop disturbing me cause am not buying" with that I cut the call and put the phone in my bag.

"Trouble in paradise?" Adam asked.

"With Asmy is always trouble" I answer with a chuckles.

"Well she is allow to..." he said softly as he trails "Having an amazing and caring sister like you".

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