Chapter Twenty Two

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Today is D-day. I gaze at myself as I stood in front of the mirror twisting my hair.

It's the Prince's birthday and the day that we're also going to appear to the a couple.

That's why am freaking out but still trying to control myself not to show my parent just how scared I am.

I exhale deeply then wave my hand in front of my face trying to look confident and happy.

I am happy cause we're going to meet today. I can't explain just how much closer we became each day. We're always on phone and most of the time just cracking jokes and teasing each other. I smile just thinking about it. We never discuss about our relationship at all. And I think I like it this way, at least for now. I don't have to worry about what's coming.

"Are you done" I heard Asmy's voice from behind me. I turn and look at her letting go of my hair as it fall back on my shoulder then shrugs "Honestly, I don't know".

I move to the bed then sat "I just feel uneasy, there is this feeling of pit deep down in my stomach..." I trail as I sigh then said. "Just can't ignore it".

"Is not everyday you got to walk and tell the world you're the mystery princess" Asmy said stressing every word

She moves and sat beside me as she continue with.
"So your nervousness is justify plus you're doing amazing job at it". 

"Aww..." I trail as I place my hand on my chest. "Just the way you said it sounds..." I stop thinking of the right word to say it while gazing at the ceiling.

Asmy stares at me with a raised eyebrows waiting for me to continue.

"Is awkward" I said while rolling my tongue as I put my gaze back at her. Asmy nods her head with a smile on her face as a confirmation to what I just said.

I stood up and walk back to the mirror then stares at myself "Am Nawal, thinking that some stupid tittle is gonna be added to my name scares the hell out of me. With the title comes a heavy weight and I love my name without any title on it"

"Am just an ordinary person but from now on, am gonna start living and acting as..." I trail as I tilts my head. "I don't know...". Turning to look at Asmy "Somebody that people have expectation of".

"Then you just have to be prayerful and always be yourself InshaAllah everything will be alright". Asmy advice

"You sure" I asked her my eyes narrowed.

"Positive" She answered as she blinks her eyes with a cheerful voice.

I rolled my eyes then sat on the chair in front of our vanity mirror "How am I supposed to just walk pass Umma and Abba after knowing quietly well where am going".

"To meet your future husband" Asmy rants.

"Am serious Asmy". I interrupt in dismay.

"Well, if it is in any consolation, they got you into this mess". Asmy point out.

I tilted my head while rubbing my forehead and said "Is not a mess Asmy they have my best interest in their heart".

"Then stop worrying, Everything is going to be alright and beside half the people there loves you already". As my whines.

I chuckled then said "The whole Emirate council opposed of this marriage that's why they refuse to deny or accept anything and just decide that we made our first official public appearance today before the wedding".

"And when is the wedding" Asmy asked

"He said he'll tell me today but is not gonna take time". I answered her worried.

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