Chapter Nineteen

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Dedicated to: Ayshatu04
Happy birthday dear, wish you many more ahead.

I stares at the rise and falling of her chest as she lay down there sleeping in peace. "Sleeping beauty" I whispers out looking at her beautiful face.

she looks so beautiful laying there with her blue coloured abaya and covered under the blanket. Her hair is spread across the pillow since Asmy dried it for her when I brought her back.

My mind flash back to when I reach the garden and saw her laying there, for a moment I stood as the image slowly turn to my mother's lifeless, cold body staring back at me. I felt as if all the air has been drain out of me.

I didn't even know when I reach the ground with my hand wrap around my throat, trying to breathe, which was proven to be impossible.

I keep reciting each others du'a that comes to my mind while rubbing my hands together. Raising my head back to her direction. I saw a guard trying to pick her up that's when I realize another was shaking me.

I guess they most have follow me when they saw me running. I stood up with a blurry vision and approach them, when a guard called my name trying to stop me, but I just have one thought in mind. To get her out of there.

I took her to my parlor and covered her after sending words to Mami. I stood there not having any idea what to do.

It was when Mami came that she changed her clothes for her and we drove to her house since it wasn't raining as heavily as before and it will be much easier for the Dr to meet us there than for us to wait for him in the palace.

The look on Umma's face when she saw her is something I know I'll never forget in my life. You can see raw pain and sorrow written all over it.

She came and hold her hand while wiping the tears that's already on her face with the back of her hand.

It was after the Dr has checked her then fixed drip for her and said that she is going to be okay. That's when everyone calm down a bit, but even them Umma looks scared which is visibly showing on her face. Mami decided to take her to her room, and I guess she is alright now since I've been here all long.

Asmy told me that she is suffering from chronic asthma which made me wonder why she enters the water in the first place is she knows the consequences.

Staring directly at her face, I realize she looks pale and fragile. Mama told me she knows about us, which made me wonder whether she did what she did because of me. Right now I just feel so confuse, I just to see her open her eyes, nothing more.

I felt her hand suddenly moving under mine, that's when I gaze at her face eagerly while called "Nawal".

She moved her head a little bit then slowly open her eyes.

Her gaze moves towards me as she stares at me while am sure trying to register what's going on here.

"How are you feeling" I murmured not sure of what to say.

She access her surrounding before gazing back at me and said "Okay I guess".

I nod my head giving her a smile. I quickly stood up when I realize she is trying to sit up.

"Let me help" I said while putting a pillow behind her.

I made attempt to hold her arms but she gently brush it off as she move with her elbow and lend on the pillow.

I stood beside the bed my eyes on her while she try dragging the comforter to cover herself.

I watch as she cover herself then fix her gaze to the other direction. I suddenly feel awkward. I mean what was I even doing in her room when her family are around I should have just waited outside like everyone else.

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