Chapter Thirty Two

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Nawal's POV

I sob the entire 6 hours flight. some of the passengers beside me asked now and then "are you OK". I'll just shake my head and smile.

Adam was kind enough when he drop me at the airport as I made him promise to never tell anyone about it. I know he didn't want to, but for the sake of my family I hope he keeps it a secret. I told him am going somewhere but I didn't tell him where exactly. He wanted to persuade me but I begged him, telling him I don't have a choice and my family are in danger it I refuse to do this.

Thinking the mess my family are going through is enough to bring tears to my eyes, talk less of My Husband. The one person that two weeks ago I was day dreaming about OUR future with. But today everything shattered. My dreams, my hope, my future. Everything I ever wanted. Is more like I am on exile that's going to last forever.

I wanted to stay more than anything, to fight for my right, I wanted to tell her that i can't go. but I know deep down I can't stay knowing that she'll kill my family.

The day she show me the picture of my Father at gun point, I almost lost it. And she promise not just my Father but my whole family and Fahad. I couldn't do anything, she warn me against telling anyone about it.

Am dressed in a simple black jeans and a hoodie with my hair let loss. A complete disguise. Which is also her idea, like a normal teenage girl as she said. No one will recognized me.

She gives me a bag that she said contains 200$ and my passport and a plan ticket.

That's how she made me leave the place that I thought I will be calling home for rest of my life.

I stares at the brochure that I got inside the airport, trying to figure out my next destination. This is my life now. I said to myself as I stares at the street of London. I need to accept it.


Third Person POV

They're all seated at Umma Magajiya's khalisa. Umma Magajiya and Farida's Mom are fuming in rage, while Farida is shaking in fear, but trying desperately not to let her parent see it.

"This place in looking much better than the last time I saw it.." Nawal said moving up and down with such grace as if she owns the room.

The three women follow her with eyes, as both of them are thinking of hundred ways to murder her.

Folding her hands together she stares at them all, the look on their faces is enough for her to know what they're all thinking.

She chuckles as she turn around and continue with "You have to introduce me to your Interior designer" Transferring her gaze to them, a cunning smile appear on her lips. "You know am gonna need it, to redecorate MY palace" she finished the words looking at Farida straight in the eyes.

"You don't have a place here, quit..." Farida stared but Nawal shush her while pointing her finger at her.

"Oh dear..." Nawal said faking a confuse face. "Didn't you hear? The place you're living is actually mine. It was built with my name." The way she said it with a smile you'll think that she is joking.

Umma Magajiya hissed, glaring at Nawal she said "I didn't drag you here to discuss about decorations".

"Ohhh why" she asked as she gasps and fake surprised face putting her hand on her chest "I thought we're gonna celebrate on my return, and what better way to do it than for you to remove your niece from my home first" She finished her words staring right at Umma Magajiya's eyes.

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