Chapter Six

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Grey clouds veiled the sky while the moon shine brightly on it. The night is chill, the kind that normally comes with December night.

The flowers within the palace walls and garden gives a very nice fragrance all around.

Among one of the buildings, The king  stood from his terrace looking directly at the moon as if waiting for the moon to talk.

"Are you alright?" Mami's voice whisper from behind him.

He sighed taking a long breath then turned around with a little smile on his face "Now that you're here, am sure I'll be"

Mami kept the little tray she was carrying on the stool and said "Don't flatter yourself" sitting down on the edge of the bed she continues while gazing at him "Am still angry at your wife for the stunt she pulled this afternoon. I mean how can she and Farida stoop so low?"

The king stares at her then walk and sat beside her holding her hands in his he said "Don't worry my queen, I'll never allow her to destroy Fahad's life".

"This is too much, she has gone too far this time" Mami said her voice so worried.

"Don't worry, am going to stop her no matter what, and beside it's just some months remain before we introduce his wife". The king reason

Mami pout and said "Do you think that'll stop her? You know how determine she is to get Fahad as her scapegoat".

"And Fahad is way smarter than she give him credit for, am sure he is never going to fall in love with Farida"

"Let's hope so, you never know what a woman is capable of to get what she wants"

Putting one of his hand on her cheeks he gently ran the thumb.

Mami raised her eyes and looked at him straight in the eyes "stop worrying, it doesn't look good on you".

Laying her head on his shoulders she whispers "I can't help it"

"Everything is going to be alright" he reassure her running his hand through her hair.


Nawal's POV

Peeking my head under our bed, I shine the torch light I was holding but there is nothing there. I hissed remembering the fact that just yesterday morning I removed everything in the room and swept it. but wait, what if I mistakenly swept it and put it in the dust bin? OMG that will literally be the end of me.

Slowly, I start hitting my head on the side of our bed.

The door suddenly turn open and Asmy appear before it. I watched her from behind our bed as she searched for me with her eyes and said "Nawal your phone has been ringing, Nawal? Where are you?

I lazily rose my head and whisper "Here" raising my head.

She directed her eyes to where my voice is coming saying "Umma is also..."

"Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihir raju'un, what in the hell is wrong with you" she demanded furiously.

"Do I look bad?" I asked moving half of the hair that closed my face.

Taking one to two steps she stop with her hand on her waist "We all know that you have a very long hair so can you please do the world a favor and stop advertising it"

"I lost my bracelet" I deadpan

She rolled her eyes and said "that still didn't answer why you sat down there looking like a ghost, is just a bracelet you Lose so definitely you can buy..."

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