Chapter Fourty Five.

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Nawal's POV

Everything has been bubby rockey in the pass couple of weeks. Am doing as much as I can to forget what I learn about Aswan and thank God I got the perfect distraction.

The king pass his verdict two weeks ago, Since Umma Magajiya is still his wife like he said, when he gather all the close royal family members. Which includes just her children, Mami, She Umma Magajiya then, The Prince, Farida and I.

It's his duty to protect her dignity even though he can't stand looking at her face and it will be shameful for somebody like him, at his age to divorce his wife.

So Umma Magajiya was strip of her tittle, and all the wealth and other possession she accumulated after her marriage to the King is seize which will be donated as charity for Nuwaira's sake. And from then on, she is just the wife of the King, even her maids are taken away and they left her with just one.

Although what she did was wrong, watching them that day was so hard and heart broken, we all cried. Including the Prince himself where he told her "He doesn't know whether he'll ever forgive her for what she did, so is better for her to start seeking for Allah's forgiveness".

His sister's where crying and apologizing on her behalf, well at least he hugged each of them and told them is not their fault. But the one that made my heart shatter, is the way he gaze at Farida before he stride out of the throne room, you can visibly see the hatred in his eyes.

Not just me, but Farida herself, I can remember her look, scared, confuse and regret as she cry her heart out with her big baby bump cause I think she is in her 7 to 8 months now.

It was Mami that got the courage and drag me out of the room, with her cause I was also just sitting there crying.

I started working as the Crown Princess, future Queen, since I can only be a Queen when my husband is the King, at first I suggest that Mami should take over, but the King reject it, saying that I am next in line as the Queen so is only natural that I resume the work now.

And thanks to that I became very busy And surprised, Umma Magajiya was just using the Queen Position to gain more wealth all over, a lot of receipt where she request some money from Emirate Group for a lot of things which is normally approved and sent to the accounts, but there is no single record of what she did with the money, she just embezzled everything the way she wants, which left me with a lot of paper work.

Just like today, I've been handling cases about some of the orphanage that's in our care, then about girls, who suffer from early marriage, rape and so many other.

My door was thrown open which I didn't give it much thought as my eyes is fixed on the monitor in front of me.

"You Grace" Aisha, my secretary said while she curtsey.

"What is it" I asked with my eyes still on the monitor.

"Someone with the Name Hafiz Anwar is here to see you"

I stop abruptly as I turn slowly to gaze at her. This is the part of my life that I kind of forget or am trying to forget, and it has been working for a month now, I know that sooner or later I have to face him too, is just that I never imagine this soon.

I took a deep breath hoping that he didn't come with his wife at least. "I can tell him to come back...."

"" I said waving my hand "let him in".

She shook her head as she turn and leave. I stood up and walk to my jacket hanger and took my veil then wrapped it around me.

I heard a small knock on the door before the door was thrown open and a middle aged man appear before it with a smile on his face.

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