Chapter Twenty Eight

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"What do you mean?" The Prince asked starting at the CIO of Emirate Group.

"Exactly as you see it here Sir" he said pointing to the tablet that he just handle to the Prince.

Prince scoff then drop the iPad in front of him, gazing at the CIO he asked "And why was I not aware of this until just 30mins to the meeting".

Sadiq gaze at the Prince not wanting to say anything that will annoy him more knowing that he is already angry.

"Well...Sir...I.." He stammer, then inhaled deeply and said "I think that should be on your Secre..."

The didn't allow him to finish as he hit his hand on the table. You can see the look of pure anger radiating his whole body.

Sadiq is starting to regret why he even come to inform him about the meeting.

The door suddenly burst open as Adam storm inside looking so disorganized as he try to catch his breath, while bending with his hands on his knees.

As soon as the prince spot Adam, he stood up and march towards him with a dangerous smirk on his face he said "Hello to you Adam, as you can see I just been inform by our dearest CIO about the emergency shareholders meeting".

Adam stand straight looking at the Prince still breathing erratically.

"Care to explain to me the work of my secretary" He said with a calm tone while gesturing towards Adam with his hands.

"Not now" Adam said "We have a major problem" he continue while showing the Prince his iPad.

"Merger and acquisition has been going on behind close doors" Adam explain.

Prince collected the iPad as he analysis the chart on it, Sadiq march to where they stand as he also fix his eyes on the iPad.

"Ever since the founding of Emirate Group, no one ever acquire more than the other's share, it's always been 10 to 15% highest". Adam continue

"But then how did this happen?" Sadiq asked.

"Whoever did this most be very smart" Prince stated humorously.

"They're all fake names, I checked everything last night, they don't exit" Adam explain.

The Prince pass the iPad to Adam, then gaze at them both "Let's go meet our Major Shareholder"


They sat at the Conference room that's already fill with most of the Shareholders and Board of Directors.

The Prince sat at the head of the table with Mami by his left, follow by the king beside her. Most of the shareholders of the company are the immediate and extended Royal Families. Their great great great grand Father build it to support the royal family, and every child that is born normally get 1% share.

The Emirate Group serves as their main sources of income, with the Prince serving as the CEO until the next Prince is of age to take over the company.

"Who are we still waiting for" Mami whispers as she tilted her head towards the Prince.

He tilts his head towards her and said "Am not sure but...".

He didn't finish his sentence when the giant double door where thrown open. A minutes pass before Umma Magajiya made her appearance before the door with a widest grin on her face.

The people all stood up and give her a bow.

She is dressed unusually today, kinda over dressed and wearing her expensive Alkyaba on top.

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