Chapter Three

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Third Person POV.

The sky intensified the presence of it's darkness, the whole palace is quiet. You can only feel the coldness that came on December night as the air blow gently on the trees, making them whisper in melodies.

Among one of the majestic building that stood inside the palace, deep inside it, there lay a women on her khalisa (a place where the queens sit to take a rest) Umma Magajiya.

A women of great ambition and selfish nature. The room was very cold not just because of the cold outside, but also because of the air conditioner that's working at every corner of the room and that didn't stop the two maids standing at her either site, holding a huge fan on their hands fanning her gently.

She extended her hand towards the bowl of fruit in front of her then took an apple from it. Gently as if someone is forcing her, she bit on it, while frowning her face. She then gaze at her side where Farida sat.

Clearing her voice she said "I don't get it Farida, what is so hard in getting a guy to fall for you?" She asked her her voice as cold as the room.

Farida move uncomfortably and said "I tried everything I know Umma, but is just not working with him, my beauty and figures don't impress him, I don't kn..."

"Then seduce him" Umma Magajiya deadpan.

Farida's mouth open to a wordless word before she manage to say "what if something end up happening and I got pregnant"

"Then at least we get something to blackmail him with it" Umma Magajiya said without care as she went back to eating her apple.

Farida sniffles and said "but Umma that'll be..."

"Will be what?" she interrupt irritated. "An insult, do you think I got to where I am today with a clean slit?" She said half yelling

"No Farida, you have to apply everything you know as a woman to seduce the man you love, do you even what to get married to Fahad?" Umma asked with a stern voice

Farida quickly shook her head with a little blush "Of course, Is everything I have ever want".

"Then do something about it before you make me regret choosing you, you know anytime I can change you with a snap of my fingers, your cousins and even your sisters are waiting to have same opportunity as you" Umma Magajiya said as she stood up with pride and arrogance then left her khalisa with the two maids hot on her trail.

Umma Magajiya almost reach the door when Farida stops her with "but why did you insist on getting him married to someone from your family" Farida asked genuinely curious, she knows that she loves Fahad so much, even before Umma Magajiya decide to arrange for this.

Umma magajiya stop dead on her track, then turn and stares at Farida. Then suddenly she burst into a hysterical laughter.

Farida stares at her with unbelievable eyes, but then she stops and frown her face as if she wasn't the one that just finish laughing "All I ever wanted was to rule, but I couldn't, first" she gesture with her hand. "because I lost to a Fulani girl who end up to be the first wife of the king, and second because I don't have a male child" Umma magajiya explained with an unreadable expression

Confused Farida asked "but your three daughter's are married to billionaires in this country, what else do you want"

Umma magajiya chuckle grabbing the site of her gown she said "that's power Farida, you'll never get enough, once you get the taste of it, you'll always crave for more". She shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't give birth to the crown Prince, then I just have to crown the next queen, the next Magajiya of Kano. And as the saying goes daka haifi sarki gwara ka haifar masa mata
(is better to give birth to the wife of the king than to give birth to the king himself).

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