Chapter Fourty Seven

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Dedicated to:amal_lambu10 sorry for breaking my promise dear, I hope this make up for it😘😘

Third Person POV.

Nawal's stares at the innocent baby in her arms as tears keep rooming down her face.

They have just concluded the 7days prayers, and little Farida was with Farida's family all this while, but she was brought to Mami's side today, with her caretaker.

From the day Farida passed away, the moment Nawal set her eyes on the girl, she fall in love with her. Even right now that she is sleeping peaceful in her arms.

The thought of how Farida would have celebrate cross her mind. She sure knows that the whole Nigeria, not just Kano most celebrate this.

Nawal chuckles in self pity, that's how we go about everyday, planning a lot of things not knowing whether we will even live to see the day or not.

Nawal watch as the baby girl slightly open her eyes and set them on Nawal. "Hi baby" Nawal whispers as she felt her heart beat for the girl.

The feeling she has for this girl, she is wondering whether that's how all parent felt when they see their child. She smile again as she caress the girls chin with her thumb.

That most be what her Abba felt for her when he found her, that's why he couldn't let go cause that's exactly what she is feeling right now.

As if on a cue, the little girl smile at her then slowly turn her eyes close with that same smile on her face.

Nawal gasps softly, her voice breaking , feeling more tears coming down her eyes "You look so pretty". she whispers between sobs, how she wish Farida was able to see that smile.

"Are you OK" Comes Prince Fahad's concern voice, he just spoke with Mami and she told him Little Farida is with Nawal, that was why he came down to see her, and imagine his surprise when he saw Nawal taking to herself, while crying and smiling at the same time.

Nawal sniffles as she looks at him in a dramatic way then said "She just smile at me, come and see she is just so beautiful".

Prince Fahad just roll his eyes as he move to sit down beside her, while whispering "Woman" inside his head.

And she was right, that was what he thought, stares at the girl sleeping in Nawal's arms. She looks so innocent, beautiful and just perfect.

"Who is going to raised her" Nawal suddenly asked, interrupting both their thoughts.

Immediately she said those words, Fahad's body became stiff, that's something that he didn't have the luxury to think of, especially since the girl was with her Mother's family, and they didn't say anything either.

"I don't know" he answers in all honestly while scratching his chin. "It just never occur to me since she was doing great all this time and beside..."

"I will" Nawal dead pan as she gaze at her husband with pleading eyes. Since she set her eyes on this beautiful girl, she falls in love with her, deep inside her she wants to give the girl the love of a mother, she want to raise her, she doesn't want her for once to feel like she does have a Mother.

Prince Fahad stares at her speechless, this whole thing seems like a nightmare to him. And the first time he thinks Nawal is not helping, he knows and trusted that Nawal will raise the girl as her own flesh and blood, but nevertheless, what about Farida? What would she have wanted? And on top of everything, who would believe Nawal will treat the girl right.

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