Chapter Fourty Eight

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"What in the hell are we doing here" Nawal asked with a gritted teeth as she stares at her husband with Asmy standing beside him.

She just woke up this morning after she sleeps for three days straight after her surgery and almost lost it when one of the nurses mention about being in Aswan.

"Let's go and see our baby" Prince Fahad said gently as he holds her arms. He is not about to pick a fight with her when he almost lost her in that surgery.

Is about 6 days now after they got to Aswan, and Nawal lost her consciousness since the day they left Kano which is why she doesn't even know where she is. The surgery went well, she did suffer from some complications that result her to stay in the ICU for two days, that's why she couldn't woke up early, but now that she is awake, the Dr's said they'll continue with the IV therapy which will at least last for two weeks.

Since the baby was premature he was place in incubator, for the time been. And yes is a "He..."

"Am talking to you" Nawal yells while shoving his hand away, for all places to come how will they bring her to this place, how do they expect her to breathe after all the things that happened, is better is she doesn't know the truth, but she knows everything yet they brought her here to give birth to her own child.

"Calm down Nawal, you just woke up from surgery" Asmy said with a pleading voice, standing at the foot of the bed.

"You expecting me to calm down Asmy..." She ratted again in anger as she attempt to get down from the bed while dragging the IV from her hand which makes blood to start dropping everywhere.

Prince Fahad quickly holds her down in place as the door open and a female Dr appear before it.

As soon as she sees the situation they're in, she quickly move to the bed then inject something in the IV that Nawal is receiving, She ask them to hold her tied while she place the needle back, her body immediately became week before her eyes slightly turn and close.

Prince Fahad lay her gently in bed and cover her with the comforter.

"Am sorry" The Dr apologizes. "I should have warned you about her getting after effect of the surgery".

Asmy chuckles as she ran her hand on her face then said "Trust me that's Nawal been Nawal".

"Well" The doctor said with a smile "Once she is up, she will be as good as new, then we will be able to have more test done".

"Thank you" Prince Fahad said moving away from the bed. The Dr smile and walk out of the room.

According to Aamal, Dr Asiya is her best friend, they study together and she started working in Cairo before Aamal beg her to transfer here, and she is very good in her job, she is precisely the only friend Aamal has.

Prince Fahad sat down on the sofa then gaze at Asmy "You should go now and rest, I will stay with her for the time being".

They being taking turns looking after her, Umma and Abba normally stays with her from morning to evening with Asmy, by evening they will go back to their accommodation which is inside the hospital building. And he Fahad will stay with her until the next morning.

Aamal and her husband visit them everyday and provided them with all the necessary things. Since they are all focus on Nawal, no one even had the thought of seeing the place except for Asmy, cause she did leave with Aamal yesterday while the Prince cover for her cause Umma and Abba told her not to think of leaving the hospital.

Asmy move to her handbag, picking it up then gaze at Prince Fahad and said "Am actually going to the palace today".

Prince Fahad slowly let his eye lid open then gaze at her, he doesn't want to stop her from having her little adventures, but he is just worried, what if her parent found out? He knows for a fact they will be mad.

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