Chapter Thirty

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"Food is ready" He stop on his track then turn and stares at her.

Giving her a half hearted smile he gaze at his wrist watch. "I can't, I have 9 O'clock meeting".

"You can spare at least 5mins" She said wiggling her brows as she stood before him giving him her best puppy face.

He gaze at her with pity in his eyes, she is trying so hard to make things work between them.

He shook his head, then gesture with his hand for her to make way.

She smile increase as she mouthed "OK" then stride and lock her arms with his playfully.

They walk to the dinning table, the maids are busy preparing the table, she drag a chair for him to sit before she drag another one for herself. She sat down then gesture to the maids to start serving them.

Finally, their life is taking to shape after three long years. Prince Fahad has taken his work very seriously, he is hardly around, always travelling to negotiate business deals, and when he is at home, he is just minding his business.

At first Farida worries and always lay her complaints to him, but then 90% of the times, he is not even ready to listen to her. She got tired when she realizes he is not ready to compromise. That's why she is now playing the role of a doting, dutiful wife to her dearest husband.

"Hmm, nice" he compliment taking the first bit of his potatoes pottage.

"Thank you" She said her face blooming with smile as she took a sip of her tea.

"I'll tell the maids to be making it occasionally since you like it" she rants clearly showing how happy she is with the situation.

He just smile as he continue eating. He did it to show at least some appreciation for what she is doing but not because he enjoy it.

"I was thinking" She said as she place her left hand on his arms trying to get his attention.

"Maybe I should throw a bridal shower for Sultana..." She shrugs "You..know, girls thing".

Prince Fahad raised his brows looking at her. He can't believe just how much Farida change. The way she is always trying to pleases his family, Especially Mami and Sultana.

Sultana's wedding is coming in two weeks time and they're obviously very busy. And he is 100% sure she is not included in any preparation as the daughter in-law.

Her relationship with Umma Magajiya is still in best shape he presumed, They are still doing whatever it is together, and thank God since then she hasn't done anything. Just laying low although it may be because of the massive money he is working his ass off earning for her as the major shareholder.

"Did you talk to her?" he asked, knowing quite well that Sultana may not even consider attending it.

She just shook her head swallowing her food, then said "I was thinking to make it a surprise, but then I thought what if she refuses to come, so maybe you can talk her into it".

She finish staring at him with a hopefully eyes.

He just chuckles, using his napkin to wipe his mouth, he drop it then face her and said "Trust me, there is literally one person that can make her do what she doesn't want"

"Who?" She ask getting excited a little.

The moment she asks who, his whole body became stiff. He gaze at her, then took his gaze just above her head, where the huge picture of Nawal and him is hung on the wall. It was taken on their reception, they where both fully happy that day, and their faces is stretch to the most amazing smile.

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