Chapter Fouty One

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Third Person POV

He walk majestically with grace, but one look on his face will send you flaying out of his way. In all the time they spend working in the palace, they have never seen him this angry in his life.

He barge in her parlor not even waiting for the guards to open the door for him.

"Sadiya" he shouted with raw agony on his voice.

Umma Magajiya sat up right from her khalisa she gave him once gaze, that's when her whole body start shaking. She didn't even know when she stood up, guessing the possible reason he is looking this angry and if her guess is right, this will be end of her and her Family.

"Leave" He roar to her maids that bow in front of him.

As soon as they push the door close, she move closer to him while mumbling "My...My...Ki..."

He didn't let her finish as the throw the papers on her face at the same time tears drop on his cheeks.

Umma Magajiya slumps back, feeling her legs could not carry her.

He moves closer to her as he raised his hands, but Mami appear out of no where holding his hands, while shading tears herself.

"She not worth it" Mami stammered looking at the King with a pleading eyes, she knows Nuwaira has always been special to him, but she never imagine him go to this extend for whatever it is that Umma Magajiya did, she saw the Prince crying and he refuse to tell her the reason, he keep repeating his Mother's and Umma Magajiya's name

Umma Magajiya close her eyes as tears flood down her face, her whole life has come to a halt in front of her.

She quickly goes on her knees while saying "I didn't mean to.." Sobbing uncontrollably "I didn't know it was that severe..." She trails as she chuck on her sob. "That it could took her life...I.." closing her eyes again as tears floors freely.

"I..I...just wanted her to suffer..a little bit...Like I did when I couldn't marry you".

The King scoffed in pains as he drag his hand from Mami, but Mami quickly holds it saying "Please stop my King, You need to think with your head and not in anger".

"She took her away from me" The king sobs like a child looking at Mami. It greatly pains her to see him like this over his death wife, but what choice does she have, she knows he loves her, but she also knows Nuwaira will always be special to him.

"She didn't" Mami said through her own sobs as she turns to give Magajiya a quick glace. "She might have increase her pains, but it was simply her time".

The King quickly removes his hands from hers, looking at Mami with a betrayed eyes he shouted "And now you're defending her".

"What?" Mami asked surprised, she is just trying to calm him down. "No" she said taken aback "I..Am.." Is clear to her now that he cannot even reason correctly when it comes to Nuwaira.

He sniffs, glare at the two women before he turn, crying like a child and leave the room.

Mami wipe her tears as she watch him walk away feeling betrayed. She sighed heavily with her hand on her mouth, then turn and look at Umma Magajiya who is on her knees crying too.

She roll her eyes in frustration, then bend down and pick the papers, standing up she looks at Umma Magajiya then said "Look where your greed landed us, not just you but now it affect all of us."

With that she turn and leave Umma Magajiya's room too.

Umma Magajiya slumps down on the floor while wiping her tears, whatever happens she is determine she'll never regret her decision, whatever she did, it was what landed her here in life and she is proud of it, the only thing she'll regret is her children finding out what she did.

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