Chapter Seven

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Nawal's POV

"You look fabulous" Sultana said with a wide grin, giving me a side hug.

"Thanks babe" I said letting go of her and sat down near Mami while sultana sat opposite me.

"What's with the kwalliya? Or it is to impress a certain somebody" Sultana said teasing me.

Mami scoffed and said "Seriously Sultana, you need to stop trying to play cupid, obviously is not working".

"But mami can't you see, am sure they're going to make an amazing couple and...." Sultana said dreamily.

"For the 100th time Sultana, we're just friends" I said trying not to slip the fact that I been crushing on him.

"Then can you pleeessse be something more than friends? You guys will look so good together like the Nigeria version of brangelina. Then you guys will be Adwal, isn't that cute" she finished looking at both Mami and I with a wide grin on her face.

Mami sighed dramatically putting her palm on her forehead she said "Ya Allah" then gaze at sultana and said "Please Sultana stop watching those romance comedies, is obvious that it is affecting your brain".

Immediately Sultana frown and murmured some incoherent words under her breath.

I and sultana are studying in BUK. Am studying international relation while Sultana is studying business administration and Sultana's dream has always been on being a matchmaker. I don't know where she got the idea but she those. "Playing cupid" what she always says.

I smiled just thinking about it "Did you meet the prince" Mami asked gazing at me

I turned around to see who she was talking to, then realize is just the three of us sitting down there and they're all looking at me which means the question is for me.

I stares at them both in a terrific voice "Wait why...I ...I ..I mean no".

"Are you OK" Sultana asked raising her brows

"Am so so sorry for what he did to you the other time, we didn't get the chance to talk since that day, I felt responsible for what he did and I told him to apologize to you cause that's so uncalled for" Mami apologize. You can feel how sincere she is.

A sly smile grew on my lips while Sultana open her eyes wide and said

"The great prince Fahad is going to apologize to a girl, wow this is a chance that I can not miss".

I flutter my eyes as I gaze as Sultana "It is going to hurt his ego that much if he apologize to a girl for something that he did wrong?"

"Well the prince Fahad I know, yes he has a big ego, not big but giant. The only person he ever known to have ever apologize to, is our father and Mami" sultana explain.

"Well that's not important he has to apologize to Nawal for what he did that's it" Mami said looking at me apologetic

"Well good luck in making him apologize to Nawal cause in 100th times you've tried...." Sultana trails as she smile "am sure you'll lose again"

"What those that supposed to mean" Mami asked looking at sultana irritated.

My smile grew wide as I look at Mami and said "don't worry Mami that's ancient history I already forgot about it"

"Are you sure?" Mami asked concern

"Am sure" I answer given her a gentle smile

She sighed in relief as she place her hand on her heart "Well thank God cause you just saved me from pretending to be angry with my boy"

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