Chapter Sixteen

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"What's going on here" I turn to the source of the voice and found Abba that just stroll inside the house.

"Ab...Ab...Abba is nothing" I stammered knowing that if Abba is angry he is worst than Umma.

"Why will you say is nothing" Umma said with a deep scowl on her face.

"Tell him were the bracelet is". She continue with a stern voice.

"What?" Abba asked shock as his gaze travel to my hand. "What happened to the bracelet?"

I sighed in defeat as I turn and face Abba then whispers "I lost it".

"How? Where? And when?" Abba asked all at the same time this voice becoming annoyed.

"I don't know" I answer honesty.

Abba shook his head as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Just find it" he said, as he gaze at me worried, before he stroll inside his room.

Umma look at me, looking so angry then said "I don't think you need to hear it twice" with that she also stroll pass us and enter Abba's room.

I raised my head and look at Asmy with my teary eyes, without waiting for her to talk I walk to our room and sat on the bed.

Asmy walk in and sat beside me then said "This in not the time for you to be crying".

I sniffed while wiping my tears then face her and said "You know I look everywhere Asmy, what am I supposed to do now?"

I asked Asmy cause I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know what's so important about the bracelet that I need to be wearing it all the time.

"We have to look harder" Asmy said and continue with "You know how furious they get whenever you remove it even by mistake".

I scoff and said "Where do I have to look, am sick of wearing it anyway I hope is a good thing that I lost it".

"Don't you remember what Umma and Abba said, you have to wear it all the time it was special made for you by our grand Ma ".

I turn and look at Asmy in amazement, I didn't take her to be that naive, but why is she saying that.

"What?" she asked when she realize am staring at her "Is there something on my face".

"Do you honestly agree with that" I asked while opening my bag to take my phone.

"Yes" she said then stares at the ceiling as if waiting for an answer.

I pout and said "Think Asmy, if really it was made special for me by our grandma then where is this mysterious grandma of ours that they get anger at us whenever we ask about them, and where is your own..." I reason with Asmy as I remove my accessories. "Then what about you, is not as she has only one granddaughter".

Asmy face turn to frown then she tilts her head and said. "Maybe she didn't know I was born?"

Her words sounds like a question with her voice that's am sure she is trying to convince herself.

I rolled my eyes in frustration as I look at Asmy and asked "Really" with my brows raised at her.

Waving her hand she lay down on the bed and said "That's what they said we have to agree with them and by the way, why will they lie, is just a bracelet..."

"They're parents Asmy, they go to whatever length to protect their children, I just don't understand the reason behind the bracelet but I certainly do not agree with the fact that is was made special by our grandma" I explain.

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