Chapter Fourty Four: Part 2

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"The King took an unofficial visit to Kaduna..." Umma started.

"And he left with only your Father, his driver then, they where to spend two days there, but they where no where to be found after one whole week..."

She sniffles softly, becoming emotional which made Nawal to place her hand on her Mother's hand, she understand that whatever she is about to say is extremely hard on her.

Umma, sighed gazing at her daughter then continue with. "And the second week it was finally announced that they are both..both...mis...missing..." She said with great difficulties.

Just thinking about those memories she buried deep down in her mind brings free raw pains to her. Leaving her family didn't scared her half the way she was shakes when Mahmud went missing.

"It was announced on the radio that day..." She continues. "At first at couldn't believe it, I deny it with all my mind, but everything crumbles when a car was send for me from the palace..."

"Queen Rabi'a send the car for me..." Umma said with a smile on her face. "That's why I will always be grateful to her, cause if not because of her..." She trails. "I don't know what I wouldn't have done..."

Both the girls gaze at their mother, feeling a new sense of love for the woman that took them as hers.

"Anyway..." Umma said with a smile. "I carried the two of your..." She chuckles softly. "I carried a three year old Nawal..." She said gazing at Nawal, then her gaze travel to Asmy who also smile seeing the look of their Mother's eyes. "And a year old Asmy and reach the palace.

"Rabi'a accommodate me like a VIP guests, she said I shouldn't be alone on this hard time, I should be with someone to help me endure the pains while we all wait, she also tells me that the authority are working hard to locate them..."

"It most have been very hard on you..." Asmy said concern as she try to imagine what it will be like.

"Yeah..." Nawal blurt out as she turn her gaze to the woman that called herself a mother. "Other's should learn from you..." She trails which made Umma to quickly interrupt her knowing that whatever she might said will not be nice.

"Two days later..., I was searching for Nawal..." She chuckles gazing at Nawal with a smile then said. "Cause you hardly stay in one place..."

"How it is that you haven't change since you're a baby..." Asmy joked. "Always a troublemaker it seems".

Nawal just shrugs with a smile on her lips, turning her attention back to her Mother.

Umma chuckles and said. "My guess was you're with the Queen cause you guys developed a strong bond, so when I couldn't find you anywhere, I decided to check her room..."

Her body becoming stiff once more and her voice at the verge of breaking. "I heard her scolding him as to why he always leave his side, he should stay there, if people find out he is not the one held captive, it might cause the other one his life..."

"I didn't know when I barge into the room, and there I found Rabi'a with a Man, since I didn't really know the King, and I was just confused with what I heard, but the looks on their face confirms my suspicious..."

"That's so juicy..." Asmy rants eagerly with a smile on her face.

"Seriously..." Nawal said as she tilt her head towards her sister.

"Sorry..." Asmy said waving her hand. "I just want to hear the rest...what happened then..."

Both the two woman chuckles as the shared a knowing grin. Nawal is exactly like her mother, always the serious one. Umma took her gaze back to her children and continue with. "At first I was confused, and decide to leave the house knowing that I can't trust them, but they follow me to the room and apologize, while explaining their reason..."

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