🌷Chapter 2🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

The council of the realms or whatever that shit is called has to be the most dumbest meeting ever.

They all speak about their problems and we go one by one and tell them what they could do. My first meeting almost made me relapse into madness as some moron decided to poke fun at my destruction of Hell.

Not to mention how useless my bloody trial was. Being pregnant and standing listening to pompous fucks wasn't ideal but whatever.

Speaking of my darling children how they've grown, all with their little families and yet all me and Lucy get are postcards. Which is better then nothing I guess but seeing them in the flesh would be lovely but appeantley I need to focus on being less scary and Lucifer needs to focus on being less stubborn. Like that's gonna happen.

Hell looks more pleasant now after my performance esespically with the people who now understand that their consequences have actions and just because their souls doesn't meant they can't get erased from history in a flash. Most rebellions end before they begin so these hundred so years have been all peaceful but that doesn't mean my guard is down.

Arriving at our bedroom I strip down into nothing and let the scorching water burn my worries away, the sensation of the water hitting my back is almost euphoric but all good things must come to an end.

My pasty skin is still pasty white however my hair is more sliver and almost glittery like some unicorn just shat in my hair and gave it a nice sparkle. As for my body I'm glad to say that I've earned some abs that nicely flow alongside my hips that are even my slim. As for my butt let's just say something's never change.

Upon opening my closet I pick out a crimson blazer, tie with the rest being all black. My hair is tightened in a low ponytail decorated with my crown because I gotta show this bitches who I am.

Stepping out I head to the dragonpits awaiting Lucifer to show up but in the mean time I see multiple dragons fly around in different spectrum of colours, sizes and species. The more dragons the better and on that subject my baby is doing well. Nethermore has evolved and is basically the dragon king around here, he does possess some battle scars but they add to his character so I like to tell him. Sunfrye is doing fine esespically when Lucy takes him on hunts for stray sheep's of to burn rebellions down, it's quite the sight to see lightening fire come out of his breathe.

All dragons here are special and I forever enjoy their company much more then humans to be honest.

"Speaking to the dragons darling?" Lucifer dusts his blazer as he approaches. "I tell you they don't care about your problems only when you feed them is when they pretend to care."

"I might feed you if you contuine bickering like a twat."

"Throwing insults? I'm hurt truly wounded by your words." He places his hands on his chest like a theatre kid.

"By the Gods why of all demons him?"

"I guess that is a question for the Gods but all I know is that you were meant for me." He's right no matter how much we fight I'll still love him. "You are mine as I'm yours. Hopefully after this meeting I can show you how much you mean." He slides his hands and spanks me earning a scowl from me.

"If you're breathing by then, I may decide. Now let's get ready I don't plan on spending too much time listening to a bunch of old people speak on old politics." Just the thought of that bores me yet being a royal we must as it's our duty or some shit.

"Shall we?"


"Gods where is this shit place?" Lucifer moans once again, we clearly got lost due to the many pits stop thanks to Lucy's bladder. "We are in an empty shit forest with no sense of direction they couldn't give us a map."

"They gave us coordinates to follow and we clearly didn't follow properly so how about we stop whining and just contuine to walk. I'll fly ahead whilst you stay here and look pretty." I say as I spread my incubus wings. "Ok Lucifer are you even listening..." Lucifer seems distracted almost like he's in a trance, or perhaps he's too perplexed to notice I'm standing in front of him waving my hand.

"Hello. Hola. Bonjour. That's all I know." Lucifer wakes up from his confused state making me sigh as I boop his nose. "You were like a blank canvas, you sure you're fine? I can go alone and make an excuse if you want."

"No it's...nothing let's go." He walks ahead of me before I can question him. It's obvious the hellfire that he's hiding something and clearly my telepathy isn't helping as he blocks me from his mind, something he never does unless he's in deep concentration. I guess this is another concern I must deal.

Same shit different day.

"We're here." I look over Lucifer and see a temple ruin with different species entering, clearly we are in the right place. "Let's go and get this shit done and over with." Lucifer tugs my hand and together we walk down the cobblestone path to the grand entrance where we are permitted entry and guided to a room covered in tapestry that was here long before I was, existing my thoughts a Cyclops appears from the shadows and approaches the stage.

"Welcome, shall we begin."


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