🌷Chapter 12🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

I honestly don't even wanna begin to speak about what the fuck I witnessed I mean we were battling then all of a sudden Sushi speaks to the Kraken and then  it's all fine...I guess? Sushi has been quite but told us that we are safe and the best time we better be careful as if they'll be a next time. Me and ships don't mix. Thankfully we've sailed to the cove of where the Elf tribe resigns and so far no one is here to greet us.

"Looks much more...dead." Lucifer says. "Like it's her drained of its essence and nothing is left beside the remains, whatever we are up against we need to tread lightly. You idiots coming?"

"Um what? We were suppose to take you here and that's it we didn't agree to go risk our lives for a stranger, no offence pretty boy but my crew and I are out." I don't blame Leviathan for ditching us but the extra hands would help but it is what it is plus we have Linken who's been a big help.

"Fine whatever don't get into trouble or steal anything these Elf wankers will screw you."

"Whatever Satan that's a risk we are willing to take. Decues!" We say our goodbyes as we travel through the wasteland of what use to be a tribe land.

We enter a jungle biome where there's still some life blooming sending us some signs that we are heading in the right direction to the people. "Listen I'll do the talking because you'll insult them and make matters worse ok?"

"Me the king of Hell...rude? Never Salem never."

"Shut you or I'll fuck you with that axe and trust me I don't make threats I make promises."

"Kinky." I ignore his stupidity has focus on gaining the Elf people's trust cause we need the support so hopefully they aren't too mad as we start entering more man made creations such as lamps and pathways that direct us to a campsite where life is thriving. "Guess they're doing fine without being apart of my kingdom." Lucifer spits out a bit bitterly as we walk to the main gate where two guards point their spears at us. "Calm your tits if I wanted to bring harm I would've set this whole jungle on fire." He just can't help himself.

"Ignore my ignorant husband but we are here to see the man in charge, we are in need of his support." Both men exchange looks then turn to us.


"Lucifer DeVil the handsome devil in the flesh." The crowd grows with gasps of shock filling the air. "And this sexy thing is my husband Salem DeVil...oh and that's a kid we brought along called Linken."

"Jee thanks for remembering me."

The two Elf guards speak their mother tongue and next we know there are more guards rushing to our very location. "You just couldn't help yourself could you?" I'm tempted to beat Lucifer has his smug smile but hold off as bigger problems arrive.

"I like making dramatic entrances I mean c'mon I'm the Devil it wouldn't be me if I just said sup like a weirdo, this needed to be special so a threatening them was my way."

"Sometimes I forget just how insufferable you are. If you utter another word when the king arrives so help me...I'll cook your balls and serve them to you sunny side up. You seem to forget why we are here not only to see if they'd spare some soldiers but find YOUR mother, I'll do the talking from now on and make you seem like a good boy and not some dumb man child."

"Uh...the king is coming and he doesn't look too happy seeing us of more particularly Lucifer." Linken is right as the old king seems to have a stern face, tight lip and a tense jaw upon sighting us.

"You have nerve showing yourself Lucifer Morningstar...especially after what you pulled on us during our last encounter we lost a lot of valuables as well as people due to your stupidity and thinking mega termites was a solid idea, now you arrive with a pathetic posse to what I presume? Have us just let uou pass so you can enter the Jade Temple? Oh no sir you'll pay for the embarrassment you caused." Yikes cause he does hold a grudge and Lucy is holding his tongue like a good boy.

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