🌷Chapter 11🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

It seems like me and ships don't get along at all as soon as I woke up my stomach started doing cartwheels driving me insane and making puke everywhere, thank the Gods for Sushi and his little remedies otherwise I'd be sea sick throughout the rest of the journey.

The crew are helping out with the upper deck cleaning it and prepping it just in case we encounter anything but Leviathan said we are taking a better route that avoids danger so we shouldn't worry. Only thing that's dangerous right now is the mist growing around us encasing us in blindness making it difficult to see anything ahead of us however Leviathan makes a good capitan with how he's handling things.

"Morning folks." Linken says yawning as everyone greets the sleepy boy he goes to join Leviathan as Lucifer comes to me.

"I didn't realise it was this bad." He says reaching me. "It's impossible to even see anything that I wouldn't be shocked if we became a shipwreck."

"Don't say that as much as there's danger lurking in the mist I trust Leviathan to sail us away from it."

"Still he's a kid learning and gas encountered tough dangers so I'm sceptical but if you think he'll do well I trust your word."

"Great cause nothing is gonna go wrong." I should've kept my mouth shut as the ship starts to rock a bit more then usual.

"What's going on out there?" Leviathan shouts to Mia who's up in the crows nest.

"I don't know bit hard to see with all the fog in the way...we need a closer look." She responds back.

"Nothing seems broken or in need of repair downstairs." Sushi comes back to the upper deck.

"You guys stay here I'll see what's causing this disturbance." Jaws shifts into his great white shark form diving down into the sea.

"He's gonna get himself killed." Linken whispers, Lucifer leans into my ear.

"Bet you're eating up your words right now."

"Shut up and focus." We all wait patiently for Jaws to come back and it's been a few minutes, Mia comes down and rushes to the front of the ship for any signs of her lover.

"I'm going after him." She says but Leviathan swiftly blocks.

"Listen I know your worried but if Jaws was in danger he'd let us know give it a few minutes." She tries calming down but still no sign and the waves seem to be more aggressive with rocking the boat.

"Is it normal for the ship to move this much?" I question but Leviathan seems more focused on something else that's approaching us.

"Uh guys? Something's wrong in the water." Linken tells us as I ship starts turning almost being pulled into something.

"SHIT!" Leviathan shouts, "MAN THE CANNONS NOW!" Mia and Sushi go towards the cannon taking aim as the rest of us sit confused. "DON'T STAND THERE LIKE PLANKS GET A MOVE ON! Linken join the others on a canon, Salem I need you up in the crows nest with your long range projectiles and Lucifer I'm gonna need you to take charge of the Red Queen." Before we can question we seem to have entered a thunderstorm and to make matters worse the ship is getting more pulled in to whatever is there, then we all hear it a unique screech that almost deafens me and as I look up we see what we're up against.

"THE KRAKEN!" the creature of the sea is pulling us in no doubt getting ready to devour us whole as I kiss Lucifer and fly up to the crows nest shielding the rain from us. "ATTACK!" Leviathan commands as a barrage of canon balls come shooting at the creature, as they continue firing Lucifer is doing s good job stirring us away from the beast whilst I try locate a missing shark.

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