🌷Chapter 36🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

Leonardo knew he had no other choice but to spill his guts about what I needed to know however a part of me was dreading the next few moments with him.

"I guess you want me to start at the beginning." He says leaning back.

"That would help me piece a lot missing puzzle, go ahead"

"Before you or Lucifer and Zeon were born I was an apprentice at my father's church. He was very much into perfecting people and always needed help in his workshop hence why I offered but I didn't know exactly what working with him would entail. See my father is sort of like me very much driven by family so having his son join was important to him as it were to me, he revealed his deepest secrets to me and I was...shocked." guess he's not the only one with daddy issues. "He had an obsession with Titans even long after they were said to be extinct, my father refused to believe that and studied all about them from where they hid to where they were buried. Titans consumed his everyday life."

"Why was he so obsessed with Titans?'

"It was more about what the Titans had that he wanted which was obviously power. Titans were said to forge this world and that power drove my father mad to do extreme things." I fear what those things are. "One day we actually found a Titan." What the? That sounds impossible but from the way he said it, I sort of believe.

"I could only imagine how your father felt." He must've been over the moon.

"Oh he was a mess but happy nonetheless. The Titan wasn't giant in fact it was dragon sized making it far easy for my father to experiment on it...but what use is a dead Titan." I see where this is going. "Your father's wife Cersei was a brilliant necormancer in disguise and Cerventes himself was an excellent forge master so I got acquainted with them at a young age and met Angelique where we fell in love. After a few years the four of us banded together to help my father with Cersei resurrecting the Titan to the rest of us finding test subjects."

"Test subjects? You mean to tell me that you experimented on mortals with Titan blood? That's cruel."

"I agree and I carry that guilt around me but nothing will change the past." I highly doubt he feels any remorse. "Obviously the subjects died being consumed by the power immediately destroying their body so we had to give up much to my father's dismay, he wanted to use the power the Titan had and suppress it so that he could easily create an army of super soldiers. That didn't work until later on in life. We eventually promised we'd come back to this later on in life but for know let's leave it behind us, Cerventes and I become knights and quickly made a living as protectors of the realm. Life was good with us marrying our loved ones but soon things turned sour when my father stupidly injected himself with the Titan blood and was comatose for some time, it was terrifying to see him slowly die and it didn't add that our wives were pregnant during this time."

"One night my father awoke and he was different. That man was youthful full of energy and incredibly powerful that's when it clicked the injection worked and now my father possessed the power of am a Titan." Holy hell a mad man with Titan level power could only end up in plain chaos. "We concluded that my father's genes was compatible with the Titans therefore meaning I could be injected."

"And so you went along with it giving you ultimate power." He nods. "Then what happened?"

"My father and I agreed that our children should get injected so that it could help them in the future." That man just wanted power and needed little minions along with him. "Angelique counter argued and didn't want either of our sons getting infected with what she believed was corruption...part of me wished I listened but instead I acted a fool. I lied to her saying we wouldn't and that's where your father comes in, I told him that if he helped me out with problem then I would offer him some of the Titan formula."

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