🌷Chapter 37🌷

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◇Lucifer POV◇

"It's best if you all leave now to avoid further pain." I advise my son's. "Alexi will needs space and being around Hell isn't helping so I suggest you take your leave now and be supportive to your mate."

"Of course we will but are you sure you don't need any extra hands?" Zeus says eager to help out.

"You heard what I said boys we're fine so far plus Blaze is going to help out with anything we need, he wants this war to be over just as much as you do."

"And what about father, where exactly did he vanish off to in such a pivotal moment? It's not like him to leave without your consent or protection." Roman says pulling apart my lie I told them that Salem was too emotional to attend. "You both clearly fought about something you're hiding. Do you not trust us enough?"

Of course I trust them but how can I explain to them that I have no clue where Salem is?

"If he's hiding something from us then he's doing it to protect us from harms way, it's not a question about dishonesty but more so about shielding us from the truth." Blaze enters my study saving my ass. "We need to believe in them and if that means we're out of the loop for the time being then let it happen. They have their reasons."

"It's sketchy that's all imma say." Zeus adds.

"You would tell us if you were going to divorce father right?" Roman says throwing me off.

"Roman what the fuck? They'd never split I mean c'mon it's Salem and Lucifer against all odds." Or is it...these secrets might determined my trust with Salem. "Right dad?" Zeus turns to me and I smile reassuringly.

"I love that man with everything I have and if we did have some issues in our marriage we'd inform you on how we will move forward. Right now it's a lot of chaos that's blurring the lines for us but rest easy I'll never give up the man that won my heart."

Both twins seem to buy my false happiness but Blaze sees though it and gives me a look of concern.

"I think it's time for you boys to return to Cloud 9 with Alexi, better to start the healing process now then wait longer in this hell hole."

"We'll miss you." They say in unison giving me a tight squeeze then saying goodbye to Blaze before existing to go away.

"Now that they're gone...the truth."

Always to the point but I don't expect less from my boy.

"We aren't splitting up of that's your concern as well as Salem's, it's just that your father had withheld some information that could potentially help us but he for some reason thinks it'll destroy him and our bond." I could never let go of Salem it's impossible. "I have few assumptions about why he left suddenly and they all point fingers to Siegfried. It's obvious that man got inside Salem's mind and planted a seed that would prey on his paranoia which it sure did because once we returned he was different much more cryptic and leaving before the funeral was a big red flag."

"Do you know where he rushed off too?"

"Not a clue but wherever he went I hope he found answers that helped clarify his secret so that he can fill me in on what the fuck is going on."

"On the bright side at least you aren't breaking up but it's odd father would live without filling you in, if he is willing to leave and find the real truth then maybe it's worth the secrecy. I know father is doing what he thinks is the best even if it might lead to short term problems, it'll be overall helpful long term." At least what Blaze is saying brings me at ease. "Plus you know father better then anyone and in the end it could be him overreacting."

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