🌷Chapter 10🌷

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◇Lucifer POV◇

The Red Queen set sail towards the Elf Tribe as I got use to being on a ship so far it's going great but the same can't be said about Salem who's been puking non-stop since we've left the dock luckily Sushi has been giving him some home made remedies to make this journey more durable.

As for the pirate crew they are interesting...

I mean they're obviously kids so I can't expect them to behaviour like adults but each of them have their unique attributes that help create their crew. Leviathan is the captain in charge of sailing the ship to our destination he seems to have great control on what he's doing taking after his pirate father no less, Jaws is his second in command taking over when Leviathan needs a break or if he's not sailing his polishing the canons lock and loading them with ammunition. His temper is most prominent about him snapping at every little thing someone does really showing off his shark genes he's lucky to have bagged a girlfriend who can control his outbursts.

Mia seems to be in charge of locating things with her map that apparently is special or something it magically shows lost loot explaining how they could afford such an expensive ship. And the walking octopus Sushi is in charge of catering which may not seem like a lot to bring to the table but his quick thinking really shows off his intelligence plus his submissive personality makes him my favourite.

The Sea of Blood expands further then I know and according to legend it's named this due to the belief that there is a giant Titan bleeding beneath the ocean giving it the red colour but that's not been confirmed and Titans have been extinct long before I was born.

"Can you both stop making out like eurgh?" Sushi grimaces when he sees Jaws and Mia in a heated make out session.

"Boo hoo little virgin get use to it." The shark boy teases making the little octopus pout and storm to the lower deck.

"You don't need to be mean to him you know he's sensitive." Mia scolds her boyfriend. "Apologise or now sex for the test of the week." Jaws has his jaw wide open as he calls out for Sushi as I chuckle inward at their stupid quarrel. Salem comes out looking far better then before meaning the remedy worked as he joins my side.

"After this we gotta find another way home cause I refuse to go back on this thing- I never thought I'd get this bloody sea sick."

"You should be resting according to Leviathan we should reach our destination by morning if the tides are in our favour of course."

"Let's hope so cause I don't think I'll be able sleep with this shop rocking harshly from the waves." Salem says looking over the edge at the red water. "How are you holding up with this and our quest?"

"As long as you're on my side I'm perfectly fine but I'm still concerned that we are walking into a trap." It just feels like I'm a puppet being led on to my death. "Just seems like this all might be for nothing and just an elaborate plan to have me killed and if so props to the mastermind behind the madness." Salem slaps my arm giving me an angered look. "Hey now you asked and I answered not my fault my gut is having a hard time processing this."

"Whoever is behind this won't win you know that? He or she or whatever it identifies as is messing with two powerful forces and I won't let anything bad happen to you, losing you once was a nightmare so you bet your firm ass cheeks that I'll be guarding you with my life." His words just make me love him even more and when I go into a kiss we are both thrown on the floor by a big wave.

"SORRY was snoozing thought it was safe sailing but nope...once again my bad folks." Leviathan shouts at us.

"I'll take over dweeb just go sleep or something can't trust you whilst you are half awake." Jaws takes over as Linken helps a tired Leviathan to bed.

The journey is nothing exciting but we do get to know more about the crew and how they all met trying to find the same treasure but instead found one another as cheesy as that sounds it was nice seeing them recall their fondest memories of friendship.

"Ok boys and girls and Linken." Leviathan comes to us on the upper deck whilst Linken flips him off evetytime he does that. "I propose a game because I'm bored and have nothing better to do besides count the pretty fish I see." He grabs a chair and plants himself on it.

"What game shall we play oh mighty captain?" Mia says.

"I didn't think that far thought you guys would've come up with something."

"Oh I have one!" Sushi pipes up lifting his tentacle arm up like a school kid. "I learnt about this game from a book."

"This ought to be good." Jaws mutters under his breathe earning a flick on the forehead by his girlfriend. "Ow."

"Go ahead Sushi."

"It's called duck, duck GOOSE!" He exclaims but as cute as he may be I'm not that letting that slimey arm to mess up my hair. "O-or not sorry." He says defeated.

"It'll be the game we play afterwards but let's do a game that doesn't require cardio for now." Mia says making Sushi have a small smile on his face.

"How bout truth or dare?" Linken adds. "It'll be a great way to waste time and be a bit shameless...if you catch my drift."

"No-one here is touching Salem." I make sure they hear me loud and clear most do and put their hands up in defence. "Good lets go around and start shall we? Jaws truth or dare?"

"Dare old man." He's cocky for sure.

"Walk the plank and drop." The bot doesn't waste time at all stripping down in front of us with no problem scaring little Sushi to hide in his hoodie, he makes it to the plank jumping up and down then diving deep into the sea transforming into his shark counterpart.

We continue the game each being told to pick with Sushi being Jaws target. "Truth or dare salmon?"

"T-truth." He stutters out.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Sushi instantly blushes cowering in his hoodie. "Damn not even a small peck." He shakes his head, Jaws whispers something in Mia's ear making her eyes turn lustrous. "Would you like to kiss one?" I can tell where this is going.

"Um maybe." He peeks out. "But w-who?" Jaws simply grips the small boys face and takes control of his mouth instantly making the boy gasp in shock. Once done he kisses his nose then perceives to make out with Mia.

"Take this downstairs." Leviathan groans as they zoom into their quarters no doubt making love as Sushi is recovering from his high. "We'll skip him making it my go to ask...Salem." He has a mischievous glimmer in his eye making me wanna gouge them out. "Truth or dare pretty boy."

"Dare Levi." My dove replies.

"I dare you to show me your incubus form."

"No fucking way!" I cut in but Salem places a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry it's just a game." I look into his eye where I see he has a little plan bubbling.

"Fine." Salem undresses his top revealing his wings and tail making Leviathan whistle.

"Damn pretty boy you are hot." I see lust taking over in Leviathan but that's due to the strong pheromones my baby is producing that helps the victim linger into a sleep which is what's happening with Leviathan. "Tired gonna...gonna sleep." He yawns sleeping soundly but it seems Linken and Sushi were both effected too as they're passed out as well.

"Nice game baby."

"It was getting late plus the game was getting boring although I wish we could play duck, duck GOOSE." He pouts transporting the boys to their quarters. "As for us the night is still young." He whispers near my ear nibbling on it.

"You are a naughty little boy." I take him down to our bedroom where we make sweet passionate love until we are both exhausted and pass out unknowingly not prepared for the shit storm about to come our way.


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