🌷Chapter 21🌷

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◇Lucifer POV◇

Of course that swine came and took my mother without saying a single word to me or anyone for that matter, he pretends that I didn't do all the hard work saving my mother and now he's going to try and steal her from me. It's bad enough Salem is gone and my mind is focused on saving him but now Leonardo is back and I know he's going to persuade my mother that she'll be better off safe with him.

Not on my watch.

I wait patiently in my tent trying to calm my fist from wanting to directly hit the man who enters my presence all cocky and smug alongside my mother who senses the tense atmosphere fully knowing what's going to happen next.



"Been a minute since we last saw each other I heard about your other half going missing and I'm sorry about that." His words mean nothing to me this is the same man who didn't care about me whilst I was alone in Hell so I highly doubt he'll care for Salem. "I know how it feels losing a loved one but you'll get him back eventually."

"Don't pretend you have any care for Salem last time I remember you weren't happy with my husbands identity or did you forget about that?"

"I apologised didn't I? Or did you forget about that as well?"

"Both of you stop it." My mum cuts in and I almost forgot she was here. "Leo you need to stop with this passive aggressive behaviour and just go for the jugular...he needs to know the truth about what happened." At least my mother still has a grasp over her man.

"You're right sorry and your mother is right you need to know the whole truth." Did I enter another parallel universe where my father was replaced with someone who has the capacity to apologise? My father tells me the story about how my mother was saved by Siegfried and how she spent her years in isolation, he also mentioned the reasoning behind Zeon being a total nutcase was due to his own father poisoning his mind and making it seem like I was the golden child.

"At least I can find some peace knowing you weren't harmed in his captivity." I tell my mother. "However  one thing is perplexing...where were you after you neglated your children?" I direct to my father. "You were gone for some time yet nobody knew where...so tell me Leonardo after all these long years with your family split where the fuck did you disappear to?"

"You didn't fully explain your absences to me expect saying you needed time away." My mother chips in piling on the pressure.

"Maybe you saw this as an opportunity to start over. Your wife dead allowed for you to find a new lover and getting rid of your children meant a new family."

"I did NOT cheat on Angelique you impertinent man child-" he shouts fisting his hands tightly.

"Then where were you?" My nails are digging into my seat ready to launch at him. "You keep avoiding the truth so tell us did you cheat or did you enjoy your freedom, my theory is you couldn't wait to get rid of my mother so you set her death up in hopes of being free but you didn't plan on her getting rescued. You're nothing but a well dressed tarantula hiding your skeletons from your own family you sick bastard." I can see in pushing all his button when his eyes start gleaming dangerously so I continue in hopes of showing my mother who this man truly is. "How many women did you fuck? Or maybe the reason you dislike incubus is because you got fucked by one of them and probably enjoyed taking it up the ass!"

"THAT'S IT YOU INFURIATING BRAT!" Bingo I got him as he propels forward trying to punch me I swiftly duck grabbing his shirt and throwing him outside my tent. I ignore the looks on everyone's face and focus on the man I so dearly hate.

"All this time you were away and yet you can't come up with a better excuse on where you were." He gets up shooting his bolts of lightening on me in a fit of rage. When one almost hits me I reflect it back at him and use the seconds he's stunned to fly kick his chest, "C'mon old man is this the best you got?" His fist connects with my jaw making me spit some blood out but now it's game on.

He summons his trident as I do my axe and we go head to head with one another fully swinging our weapons like mad men. The sounds of metal clanging can be heard throughout the camp site as some check out what's going on but none interfere knowing full well they could get hurt. Leonardo manages to cut me well on my shoulder but I return the favour slicing his back and watching the red seep into his white shirt.

"I was beginning to question when you'd start fighting properly even your husband put up more of a fight." He mocks me and right now isn't a good time to bring up Salem.

"Don't speak about him!" I throw my axe at him then teleport behind him blasting him in the back that before he gets stabbed by my axe in his stomach. "You don't want me to hold back I won't." I press the axe deeper into his stomach grinning where I hear him choke on some blood.

"LUCIFER STOP! THE TWO OF YOU NOW!" my mother's voice distracts me giving my father enough time to headbutt my face escape my grasp, he summons lightening bolts to once again strike down on me but I dodge them firing my own projectiles at him.

"One thing I didn't do is cheat Lucifer and I find rather hysterical and rich coming from you. Didn't you cheat on Salem your dear dove?"

"I was under a spell and we moved passed it unlike you I made amends and didn't neglate my family."

"I made our family strong by leaving you to your own devices and it clearly works from the looks of things. You created a kingdom and are feared among many, do you really think if I hadn't done this you would be like this? I made you Lucifer remember that." Now he's taking credit for who I've become.

"I cannot deny that I'm your son but I can deny you having ANY part in making me who I am today, that was down to me and my decisions if you had been a better father then maybe Zeon would be alive but you turned us against one another. All I wanted was for you to accept me and love me but no you couldn't even do that till this day you use me...why?" We both stare at each other from opposite ends of the battlefield. "Answer me that father...why couldn't you love me? It was hard enough I lost my mother but my father too, you may call me the devil but one look in the mirror reveals you are far worse."

All I ever wanted was to feel wanted and I didn't have that growing up so when I had Salem I latched onto him for dear life he is my constant, my anchor, my lover and without him I'm nothing. My father couldn't show me none of the guidance a normal father could yet has the audacity to show up again like nothing happened.

"You were beyond love Lucifer. You were tainted with evil and you proved me right when you did horrid things just for entertainment I mean you have a torture chamber filled with mortals and you call me the monster? No-one can or will love you and the sooner Salem sees that the better, you were never my son and never will be." His words cut deeper then his actual blade but now I know where I stand in his life.

We charge at each other both throwing punches at each other not holding back on our strengths either so our faces do become rather bloody as do our knuckles but none of us stop in fact we go harder, he tackles me to the ground connecting punches left and right as I hook my legs through his arms and slam him down so that I'm on top. I start slamming my knuckles into his face only seeing red and blocking everything out. This man isn't fit to be a father he never was one to begin with nor will he ever be, all my anger is oozing out as well as some tears as my emotions come pouring out.

"YOU LEFT ME ALONE!" my father doesn't fight back most likely to provoke me to try harder to get some sort of reaction. "WHY?" I don't care about the audience witnessing my breakdown but this has been long overdue the man I thought cared for me left me to rot. "AFTER ALL THIS TIME YOU SHOW UP! WHY TELL ME WHY? BASTARD!" His face has become swollen and rather bloody to the point where he's almost disfigured.

"C-cause I needed to..." is all I get before he passes out and my mother reaches his side checking on his injuries, then it hits me that I showed her my true self not my father's and as I look around I see faces of fear which makes me feel even worse. I leave my mother alone with my father as I head back to my tent figuring out what he meant by his last words that didn't mean much...guess I'll find out eventually but for now I need to visit earth for a little family reunion with Blaze.


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