🌷Chapter 3🌷

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◇Lucifer POV◇

To say this meeting is beyond boring is an understatement, I cannot fathom how people do these things but luckily Salem is taking down notes or doodling seeing how he is in pure concentration mode with his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth.

The meeting is about helping each other with resources and other bullshit things in which I don't care for because Hell has always been independent and shall remain that way no matter the cost. All around are different breeds/species belonging to different backgrounds such as Vampires who are backstabbing suckers, Werewolves loyal to their own kind, Orcs that look repulsive, Mermaids or Merman that small fishy and many more that all believe uniting under one ruler is a great way to keep peace. Funny how after Hell is back on its feet thet wish to unite all realms as one. Not on my watch.

"How long left?" I mean over to Salem who has been drawing a portrait of me in the nude. I must say that he captures my body effortlessly even to  the last vein that lies down south. "You truly are naughty." He smirks continuing his shading.

"The meeting is almost over apprantely we have a surprise." Salem says without losing focus but the surprise part catches my attention.

"Since when do they do surprises?"

"Who knows might be someone or we might all be getting new cars like Oprah." He shrugs.

"Ladies and gentlemen, monsters and ghouls, demons and angels here for the very first time in centuries to show his appreciation for the realm give a warm welcome to Leonardo Morningstar." The room applauds and erupts into cheers as if it were Beyonce entering the room but no instead we get an old angel strolling in with his guards surrending him.

"Morningstar? Is that your-"

"Father." The room quites down as my father takes to the stage, he still looks the same with his dull grey hair that seems to be fading into white but he is still muscular like in the olden days.

"I'm grateful to be here, it's great knowing we can live in peace and harmony without war. It warms my heart seeing all of you here from different backgrounds speaking your mind on how we can improve our realms as one. For those who don't know me I am Leonardo Morningstar and yes I am the father of Lucifer DeVil." People gasp and shocked as if it were a surprise, I never hid my heritage away from the world as I thought people would put two and two together and realise we were related. "I understand the shock but don't worry all will be explained eventually right now I wish to speak to my son alone. Now." His voice carries the power he presents himself with and the gullible people leave expect Salem who stays by my side.

"I said all, including you vile incubus."

"That vile incubus is my husband and he shall stay with me whether you like it or not." Salem rolls his eyes clearly not intimated by my father who is staring at me with annoyance but yields.

"I'm sorry for that insult, I don't trust sucubus or incubus."

"No need to apologise. I'm Salem DeVil Winters and you must be my father-in-law." Salem approaches my father and shakes his hand. "I do wish we would be able to meet under better circumstances but this will do." The kindness in Salem clearly shocks my father but of course he's shocked on how a pure bean can land with a heartless giant.

"Enough Salem you'll give the old man a heart attack and I don't want him to die." Salem walks back to me smiling at my passive comment. "Not unless it's by my hand." I growl out losing it as I attack my father ignoring Salem calling for me.

He dodges my first attack swiftly allowing his guards to tackle me, they swoop in holding me but I break free punching one in the jaw breaking it with a nice crack- two surround my back and front and throw kicks at me; I simply move faster then them and grabbing one guards leg and smashing him with the other knocking them both down and leaving me with one. He gathers a sword and swings at me but with the lack of finesse misses each swing until he tries stabbing my gut in which I shatter the sword using magic. Being fired up from those fights allows all my attention to the traitor.

My father looks almost amused but bot for long as I transform into my other form turning into the monster they know the Devil for. I feel the blood pumping into my heart and the hatred flow out of me.

"You wish to do this son." That's the final straw as I breathe fire on him, watching his flesh peel off him like a banana. I inhale once more and repeat several times until there is nothing but ash left.

"Lucifer." I turn my attention on Salem who isn't impressed. "Turn back now. And don't make me force you." I hate when he scolds me like a child but loving him I comply. "So much for a family reunion. I know you resent him but you could've let him explain instead of acting on impulse."

"Like you would know anything about family." I know it's a low blow but I didn't want to hear any excuses coming from this man. I came from his seed that is all.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." He steps closer placing a hand on my cheek softly rubbing it. "You've been acting strange these pass nights and even on the way here. I don't pressure you to speak now but eventually." I hate seeing his eyes cast a shadow of doubt making me want to explain the voice that keeps calling for me.

Salem senses something and looks over to the remain of my father but tilts his head in confusion as I turn around the ash is gone. 

"What the-" we are both flung full force through the temple into the outside jungle by an unknown source.

"You have balls I'll give you that Lucifer but don't forget where you come from." My father glows in the sunlight in his archangel form with blades as his wings, some things never change. As I jump to attack he summons the thorns to wrap around my body clinging me to the ground. "You were always impulsive acting on anger never on rationality hence why that'll be your downfall. Not to mention you have new weaknesses such as your children." I try my hardest to escape knowing that he just threatened my boys.

"YOU WILL STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN!" Salem summons a fire ball bigger then him and my father and propels it forwards, blasting my father in the face, using the distraction to his advantage Salem unloads copious amounts of hits on my father unleashing his inner mama bear. With his eyes glowing red Salem chants ancients words faster then anything possible and Leonardo is seen choking on his blood, seeing it flow out of his mouth, eyes, nose was a sight worth it and with him dying I leap out of the thorns grabbing a blade from his wing and jamming it in his eye causing him to transform back into his human form.

When the dust is settled Salem joins my side pulling my father's grey locks, "seeing how I was too nice the first time, what do you want?" My father smiles with his bloody teeth causing Salem to choke him until my father vanishes into thin air.

"I'm glad we got the anger out of the way, now we can proceed with the true matter at hand." We both turn to see my father with no injuries sustained in his body and his guards all perfectly fine.

"How?" Salem questions getting sick of this charade.

"Magic." Comes my father's cocky respond. I'm about to wipe that grin off his face in a second. "I know you hate me Lucifer but we both have been summoned."

"Summoned by whom?"

"Your mother."


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