🌷Chapter 39🌷

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◇Lucifer POV◇

You have to be fucking kidding me right now as if saving the realms wasn't a challenge enough we have to deal with a ghost from our past.


Feels like a family reunion but it goes terribly wrong, story of my life I guess.

My 'brother' is beyond fuming and definitely wants me and Salem both dead which I don't blame him for wanting to but he's gonna need to get in line again because we have new enemies who want our heads as well, Salem seems just as shocked as I am but he isn't going to let this distract him from our main goal.

"By the Gods you have to kidding me right now?" Salem says clearly annoyed. "There's no time for this Zeon your revenge can wait." Salem tries moving but gets whacked back by Zeon.

"You'll both stay here and perish. This time the outcome will be different." He says menacingly. "I've waited for this moment ever since you murdered me so prepare to die."

"You're gonna be waiting a lot longer if you truly think you can outdo us both." He must be damn near crazy thinking he stands a chance. "Give up or die again."

"It'll be you who dies first Lucifer, I have the high ground see when I was resurrected Cerventes had managed to replicate the titan formula enhancing my abilities that now outrank yours therefore I'm taking back my throne or these carpets will be soaked with your blood." He summons a ball of fire but gets hit by a vase in the head.

"Sorry to step on your moment but I strongly suggest you evaluate your situation, we outnumber plus I have the titan formula within me too so you stand no chance."

"You're right I'm outnumbered but you are on a tight schedule aren't you? Pick and choose Salem...save the realm or save your husband...either way I'm getting my revenge." Zeon body crashes into me before tossing me at the wall, he tries punching me but I grab his arm twisting him into a head lock.

"SALEM GO I GOT THIS PRICK!" I give Salem a thumbs up sensing his doubt but he nods rushing off to stop Cersei. I slam Zeon into the ground and blast down the roof to stop anyone from chasing after Salem. "Now it's just you and me."

"You were always going to be the golden son even in death father never cared...he only ever wanted YOU! Mother pretended to act holy but deep down she's as bad as the man who you hate dearly, it's the only similarity we share Lucifer our burning hate towards our sad excuse of a father." Talk about daddy issues.

"We were pitted against one another without knowing each other...imagine what could've been had we been raised normally. We would be united as brothers not fighters...there's still a  chance for that but only if you aid us." It may seem stupid to reach out but it's worth a shot, we both never grew up together and that's one regret I share deeply.

"The part of me that wanted to be your brother as well as have a normal family is dead. You and I are different Lucifer but you're still a naive cocky man, Salem really softened you up...gone is the devil all that remains is a bitch."

"Reasoning with you was beyond stupid...at least now I won't feel bad for snapping your neck like your girl."

Zeon transforms into what looks like his own devil form glowing blue as I get ready to kill him...again.

He might have the power of the titans on his side but I've bested him before and will damn well do it again, I attack getting the first blow as my fist meets his repulsive face then I use my tail to wrap around his leg and floor him where I go ahead and breath fire on his face. Zeon teleports above me grabbing my tail and using it to slam me against the walls before he lifts me up and chucks me out the window of the castle. I use my wings to soften the harsh landing but it's short lived as Zeon lands on my body causing pain in my back.

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