🌷Chapter 27🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

For the last few hours I've been going over my notes as well as the ones already in the books taking in every detail possible. This is a very delicate job and if I screw up I could potentially lose my own life and my family so I'm stressed right now, doesn't help having those two zombies come in every minute to the check up on me as if I need any distractions right now.

Once this collar is off I'm ready as Hell to kill them but only when mama is safe and sound not a moment soon. Gotta take some safety precaution knowing Siegfried he'd obviously try to suppress my power but in a way that won't affect the resurrection. Just gotta be smart about my plan I don't know where I am nor what lies beyond these walls so attacking and fumbling my way through his domain is reckless.

The idea of bringing back a love one is amazing I mean who wouldn't try to bring back a dead family member or friend? Only probably I seem to face is the soul transferring which is very risky if done incorrectly, all I need for now is a small bit of my soul to go into hers and allow her to be brought back only for a short amount of time before we escape and give her a fully new soul most likely from the prisoners in the cells. Soul magic mixed with necormancy is a recipe for disaster...just hope I succeed by tomorrow night but right now I think I'm ready to experiment with my dead subjects.

I head over to the door knocking three times like I was told waiting for some sort of answer back...nothing great...lectures me how time is of the essence yet takes all the time getting back to me, I knock louder and before my fist can strike again the doors open and the zombies face me most likey pissed.

Sounds like a personal problem.

"Tell Siegfried I'm ready to get this dog collar off me and start experimenting." I say tugging on the collar that's causing my neck to itchy. "Um hello I know he permanently shut your mouths but he didn't mention anything about you being deaf so hurry up...fine then when Siegfried arrives I'll just tell him I'm ready but you BOTH refused to call him then we'll see what he does." I flip my hair going back to the little desk and hearing the sounds of footsteps leaving. Guess they fear Siegfried noted.

Few moments later the doors open with Siegfried and his bitches bringing in animal corpses to the ground.

"You said you were ready?" Siegfried calls as I nod.

"I've read each book over more times then I've read the laws of Hell so I think I'm ready plus the animals should be simple enough."

"Noted. Now the part where this could go south real quick for either of us but I think you're a smart boy to pick correctly."

"Get this off me I'm beginning to get a bloody rash and yes I'm quite aware that even if I overpower you I quite literally don't know my whereabouts so you win." Siegfried chuckles getting a firm grip on my neck before taking the stupid collar off and immediately I feel the rush of my powers enter me, it's almost orgasmic. "It's good to finally be back."

"These two's will look over you and I expect Cersei to be breathing by tonight or early morning, your lover boy is pinning down your location and setting a trap up so I must attend to buying some time by securing the castle." I'm dreading the return of Lucifer especially knowing how unpredictable this castle could be. "You both better keep an eye on him and do not disturb him at all unless you think he's trying to kill you then attack but no killing. I also you Salem to behave or I'll slaughter your family bloodline with ease." Threats about my family is a one way ticket to get on my bad side.

He leaves me with dumb and dumber as I go gathering my books and setting them down near the animals, there are many ranging in different sizes and variety but I think as a precaution I should start small like how I did with the butterfly so I pick a fish that's been gutted, poor Sushi I just know that poor boy would faint. I place the fish near a small pool of water just in case I succeed I don't want it dying immediately, I decide to go for the spell as it's quick and will bring the fish back for a temporary amount of time. I rub the scales of the fish before channelling a bit of my soul to bring it back to life, I move closer and whisper closely, "Vitalum Vitalis." And wait a few seconds for something to happen.

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