🌷Chapter 6🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

This Forrest is vastly huge and will take days to navigate as well as even begin to find some sort of life form if there's any left after seeing the decay all around us something bigger is going on in here, besides the dead bodies we encountered there's not much else to really explore all we can do is hope we find our next clue or just something at this point. Traversing deeper some specks of light escape the canopy of leaves above us allowing for some sort of way to see without squinting and it's good thing the light shined right now as I'm able to see movement from the shadows.

"Lucifer quickly come I saw something." I turn to see my mate blanking out whilst danger is looming and as I'm about to grab his attention the rustling of leaves alert me that danger has arrived and from the bushes an almost grotesque experiment comes out towering over my small ass. "Fuck." It looks like a bear that's been fused with different aspects of other rare creatures but what gets my stomach to drop is seeing the human head attached to its own face, this is truly some next level necormancy or some other weird shit that I'll have to figure out soon as the bear hybrid launches itself at me slamming my body to the ground. The bear makes a run towards a frozen Lucifer but not on my watch as my whips latch on to its foot pulling it to the ground, I make hast by rapidly making my blades cut deep in the beast legs hoping to do some harm but as I feared the beast gets up staring seriously at me.

"Oh shit." The beast snatches my whips propelling me forward towards it then back handing me for good measure. I massage my jaw that hasn't dislocated yet and retrieve my whips and as I grab hold of them both I glance over at Lucifer who still seems frozen. "LUCIFER!" I exclaim breaking his little moment and briefly bringing him back to reality until he passes out on me. "Fine I'll do it myself." I go into my battle stance devising a plan to get this creature to stay down. His paws try slicing me but I maneuver passed the beast blasting it with my magic making it more pissed at me, I strike it with my whips as quickly as possible to do some light damage and it seems to work as my blades cut through the skin revealing green blood that oozes out. The bear is fuming as it charges me but a quick potion thrown in its face allows for me to get up and personal with the beast as I take one of my swords stabbing it deep in the guts of the beast then extending that sword so when I jump over and tug on the handle it splits the body in half allowing the insides to drop out.

I place my swords back in my belt as I come closer to the dead thing and look at the content it spilled, the green blood crystallizes into emerald when I go to touch it surprising me but also sparking a deep curiosity in me. Too bad that when I go to collect a quick skin sample the ground below it seems to absorb the dead carcass leaving nothing but the emerald blood behind. "Fascinating." I mutter to myself collecting some fragments.

"Indeed it is." A voice behind me puts me in high alert as I summon balls of fire to appear in my hands when I turn back. "Hey hey we are good so you can flame off." An old man tells me but after what I just encountered no way.

"Step away from my husband or die." I warn the man who's too close for comfort to Lucifer.

"No need young man I'm here to thank you for defeating that creature it's been terrorising my people and we are in your debt." The man speaks to me and I recall what Troye said at the meeting.

"You're a fairy aren't you?" The man reveals his grey wings that flutter when realised.

"Yes and you've destroyed the harm that was invading our territory and stealing our people for God knows what reason."

"Some of your people are missing because of that creature?"

"Unfortunately yes it would come when we'd be harvesting our crops that's when our gurad is down. It took a lot of us and we are on the brink of extinction hence why the Forrest is dying." I take in what he says as he continues. "Our people are a special breed of fairies we control nature itself and without our people we can't spread our magic throughout this land hence why it's been neglected, if this continues we'll die out and the Forrest will go with us."

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