🌷Chapter 26🌷

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♡Salem POV♡

I instantly shoot out of my slumber remembering what happened before I came to earth. I always thought those 'dreams' were just dreams not actual memories I had but then again as I grew older it seemed like my mind allowed more memories to be unlocked, I still hated every moment of remembering mama's sacrifice and she risked it all just for me.

My face stings of course from the blade Siegfried dragged across making me look like Tyrion Lannister but without the dwarfism of course, the right side feels numb at least it stopped bleeding. Still can't believe he fucking cut my face of all things the money maker I just hope Lucifer doesn't look at me differently the last thing I hope is to be ugly in his eyes.

However it could've been worse...he could have cut my hair so in a I'd rather prefer the scar on my face then have my silver locks chopped off.

It seems like he left me alone for a while in the atrium which is pleasing  I suppose gives me more time to look at what made me furious in the first place.

Her tomb...my mama's.

It's no surprise as soon as I saw Cersei Winters engraved into the stone my heart sank. He wants me to resurrect my mama so that she can help him with his sick plan- fuck that as soon as I bring life to her I'm escaping WITH her. It's funny how this all started with wanting to Lucifer's mother and now here I am standing in front of my own mama's tomb...death has a funny way of reuniting people.

I don't want to see her rotten corpse no I simply refuse to see her in that state or what if she's worse like Siegfried said she's probably just bones, my stomach starts churning in disgust as I think of the possible scenarios in my head. This is too much to handle as I empty out the remaining food in my stomach.

She's far beyond gone. I don't want to  even imagine seeing how so Siegfried can go shove an emerald dildo up his ass and sort this out himself. I'm no master at necormancy only thing I brought back alive was a red butterfly and that took a lot of energy from me practicality drained my own life force. So doing this to mama would almost kill me.

Fuck I need to get out of here.

I check the door and obviously it's locked of course it is on the bright side it gives me more time to scope out my surrounding which isn't much  if I'm honest. Everywhere I look it's either stone, emerald or greenery nothing of use to me. If I could get this collar off then maybe I'll have a chance...maybe.

All I need is a sharp object. Damn maybe I should've left my nails long but nope I filed them down. Idoit Salem.

Checking near the tomb that I dare not look in I see absolutely nothing. Just my luck. I decide that I'll mediate because it's obvious even if I did find an object to rid this hideous collar, Siegfried could be waiting along with his zombie friends outside ready to ambush my ass.

Deep breathes Salem imagine Lucifer next to me...his warm hands touching mine...he softly touches my scar probably raging on the inside that someone touched his dove without permission, small things like that make me feel that less sad that his presence ain't actually here. But he will be soon...eventually I hope.

Time passes and no-one has checked up on me and here I was praising my captor saying he was easy on me a cool I was; it is odd that nobody has visited I would at least hoped Siegfried would come just to gloat or tell me more of his stupid plan but nope nada. If he's waiting on me to follow in mama's footsteps then he's sadly mistaken believing that I would ever discredit her legacy. There was a reason why she was chosen as supreme and not the other jealous bitches, she truly was my idol and how I loved wishing I was powerful just like her and now some might say I'm more powerful.

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