🌷Chapter 30🌷

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Asmodeus POV:

"So I'm not allowed out of this room?" I question grandpa Salem who wants me safe locked in this room in isolation.

"Just for the time being we aren't sure if Siegfried will attack and if he does he might come after you or me so this is just a safety precaution." Why would Siegfried be after me? "I know it's not ideal but they'll be guards all over this floor who will bring you food and whatever you need plus this room is one of the best it even has a mini pond for Stan." He's right this room is literally incredible.

"Do I at least get to roam the gardens?" I don't like feeling trapped in one room.

"With supervision yes of course but try not spend too much time out there ok?" I nod getting a hug from him. "I know you'll get bored but I'd rather you be safe than sorry, now I gotta go before Lucifer blows a fuse." I wave goodbye to him and plummet face first into my bed in exhaustion.

I didn't expect to see someone die like that so cruel and evil especially to someone who was nothing but kind to me. I've had small encounters with Troye all positive might I add so it was saddening to see him go such s brutal way, my heart aches with Axel who's alone in his castle mourning his loss and I hope he'll heal in time but losing a mate is like losing a piece of your soul so I can see why he'd want to be alone even if it's not healthy.

On a lighter note it does feel good to be back in Hell, earth just wasn't for me to be honest all the bullying because I look werid or cause I was smart was stupid and probably is what hinders mortals from evolving. I didn't have many lovers in fact I refuse to be involved romantically because one I don't know how to act in a relationship let alone open up, two because I haven't met the one and three I'm not ready for sex.

I've done my own research to know that gay sex is more complex than regular sex and I'd rather have my ass not ripped to shreds thank you next.

At least Stan is enjoying his time in his big pond. He refuses to leave it but I don't blame him this pond is an upgrade from his other one on earth so I'm happy he's getting spoilt.

I decide that I'm on lockdown I might as well freshen up and attend to my wounds that those twin ninjas gave to me, they were much more agile then I was so they got my cuts on me but good old magic never fails me. I was close to unmasking these mysterious foes but the whole castle was crumbling as well as a crazy lady losing her shit. Another mystery for another day.

I strip nude entering the shower washing away the dry blood that stained me. Something oddly satisfying on seeing the blood go down the drain that I love watching. Once I'm dried and have some pants on I comb my hair then decide to braid it which takes some time but once done I tend to the scar that goes across my stomach, glad it didn't cut deep otherwise it would've been a bigger problem. It just needs some cleaning so no infection starts growing. Once the rest of my body is over I fall back onto the big bed staring up blankly at nothing.

I wonder how Atlas is doing? My brother is truly a gentle soul but don't take his kindness for weakness because he knows how to bite. He makes hanging out with Aurora much more tolerable even if he joins on the crude jokes about sex. Eurgh. But I'm glad he found his mate and one who everyone likes including myself, Belphegor lent me some books of his that are about various species and the cultures which I found fascinating. It kept my mind occupied whenever I was alone.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the sea creatures and it just so happens that one of them interacted with me. Leviathan I believe his name was, very handsome but rather blunt with his words yet something about his bluntness made me like him more. He seems like fun but I highly doubt my parents would like him but I dunno why I'm speaking about him, he probably complimented me to get on Lucifer's good graces because I'm not that special plus he could do so much better then me.

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