🌷Chapter 34🌷

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◇Lucifer POV◇

Today is the day we finally bid farewell to the fallen aka our last goodbye to Troye.

It's been hard for us all and after Axel broke the news to Alexi...I felt the whole realm shake from that boy's wails and it really hurt seeing him so distressed. Axel tried his best even though he wasn't ready to deal with his own emotions let alone his son's, both Roman and Zeus have tried their best efforts to support Alexi but not much can save a broken heart. Even if death Troye reunited us all to remember him even if his body won't be present as requested by Axel who wants him to stay in a casket at his castle which I have no problem with.

Just hoping that he can get through this.

Both my son's have kept Alexi company in their chambers as Salem goes to tell Beau and Rouge along with their pack who will also be attending as well Blaze, Aurora and more. All had a unique bond with Troye but all good things come to an end.

As I leave the throne room and head to my study I see the twins waiting anxiously looking quite honestly horrendous, Roman looks like a total mess with his silver man bun totally dishevelled and as for his brother Zeus he looks as if insomnia was a real person, both aren't doing too well just like their mate but the trio do share a special bond and this might be causing a lot of unwanted stress to them.

"You both look like shit." I try making light out of the situation but neither of them seem to have the energy to care. "Come inside and I'll fix us some tea." I open the door to my study where Sunfrye awakens from his nap. "I'm guessing you're here for advice on how to help Alexi?"

"We know not much is gonna help." Zeus plops down on the couch exhausted as his brother lies down rubbing his temples. "He's managed to get some sleep thanks to Ro but I fear that maybe the funeral might be too much, he's pregnant and this stress coupled with his hormones are a recipe for disaster."

"Not to mention we've been forcefully feeding him because he simply refuses to even when we tell him it's unhealthy for baby...nothing seems to work and we're scared that we'll lose our mate and our baby." Tears start leaving Roman's face as Zeus holds him. "I don't want to lose anymore family."

"You won't. Neither of you will lose anyone after this I'm visiting my father and demanding answers because I know that man has some sort of tie to all that is going on and I won't rest until justice is brought to Troye." I place the cups on the table and seat in my arm chair as both boys take small sips. "As for Alexi he'll unfortunately feel the same way his father does and it's up to you both to be patient and mature, which might I add you're doing well extremely well even if you think otherwise just know you're doing all the best you can given the harsh reality. Keep reminding Alexi of his child and how that bundle of joy is another chance at happiness." Babies do make people suffer with their emotions but in the end all that suffering is so worth it.

"What happens after the baby is born and he still hasn't changed then what?" Roman questions.

"Let me tell you about when the two of you were born and how ecstatic Salem was despite his first pregnancy being highly different given the  circumstances yet he still gave birth to your brother Blaze not caring about the war or anyone in it, a baby can change your mood for the better and I know deep down that Alexi is hating himself for putting your baby through this but it's up to you to continue behaving like you've been doing so far just so he feels good...even if it doesn't take the pain away that child will help immensely."

"It's unfair that uncle Axel has to be alone...he doesn't derseve it." Zeus complains and I agree completely at least with Alexi he has the people he loves with him but with Axel he lost the man he longed for. "I just fear he might go on a downward spiral if he doesn't get the support needed."

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