🌷Chapter 53🌷

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Zeon POV:

I'm well aware that I'm not wanted in this shit hole seeing how everywhere I go I'm being silently judged by these simpletons who wish me dead but too bad that won't happen unless I screw up worse, my ignoramus brother is gullible for giving me another chance hell I could kill him and his mate then take over the kingdom however doing that just means extra work put in not to mention I'd probably die again.

News flash purgatory isn't fun...not one bit.

So I intend on helping Lucifer and his lover in order for me to become hand of the new king which is definitely more suitable for me in the long run. Although I don't like being talked down to or ordered around I must say that at least I'll have some influence on the future of Hell. Speaking of influence I'm still waiting on killing Cervantes who some how managed to bargain for my soul and make me a mindless zombie for him, I know he's here heavily guarded but I'm making it my goal to rip out his throat.

In the meantime I must prepare for the scent of sex that will no doubt linger on the couple coming to visit me, the noise made echoed throughout the castle but it seems that the servants are use to the high pitch girly screams of Salem, I for one don't plan on listening to much more.

Entering a mind like Salem one which is fragmented with loss memories is tricky to navigate but with enough time we'll find the main source of amnesia and that shall reverse the damage done to his mind. It's easy said then done with how unpredictable his mind can be, he could kill us as his mind will defend his sacred memories so it's best we do this quickly otherwise we can kiss they progress goodbye.

Salem's life isn't the only one on the line if I screw up I lose my future and I end up in purgatory again, as much as I despise my brother I value my life and even I wouldn't be stupid to pass on something this amazing.

Once my set up is completely finished and the moans quite down I expect any moment the stench of cum, sweat and other bodily fluids to enter my facility, right on cue my brother carries his tired lover in his arms and greets me with a nod.

"Ever thought of sound proofing your walls? Just a suggestion to spare the rest of your realm hearing a bunch of noises that aren't pleasant to hear." I tell Lucifer as he places his lover down on the table before me. "The amount of people you traumatized."

"I like to make people know what is mine something you obviously aren't familiar with." He bites back.

"Stop killing my lover and maybe I'll have a chance...anyways seeing how you don't trust me for reasons unknown to me." Lucifer rolls his eyes at my statement. "You'll be tagging along with me but if you do then you follow my lead as this journey is very delicate and you are a clumsy twat that'll do more bad then good."

"I can be gentle and careful at times do not underestimate me Zeon."

"Oh I'm very sure you can be dandy but for this case I'm going to need you to set aside that ego of yours and follow my every command otherwise you're wasting your time with me."

"I don't have- eurgh nevermind I'll listen but do not push your fucking luck with me. Got it?" He warns.

"I wouldn't dare Lucy." He growls at me. "Seeing how you fucked him to exhaustion we have plenty of time to get in and out." With Salem asleep his inner guard will be easy to get by. "Once in we find the source of his amnesia get rid of it and bounce to see if it worked or if I'm heading back to purgatory."

"I'm glad you understand the severity of the task at hand and the punishment you'll receive shall you fail."

"Oh brother I know what I'm doing the only thing I worry about is you snooping around your lover's mind and trying to see things he'd rather keep hidden, you try anything stupid and I'll tell Salem when he regains consciousness about you're mistrust."

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