🌷Chapter 32🌷

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♤Axel POV♤


My dragon.

My mate.

My husband.

Gone...taken away from me...by a cruel fate...

All these emotions bubbling inside me yet no way to fully let them out is killing me. Why him of all people? I could've helped prevent it yet I didn't and now I pay the price of being alone for all eternity slowly waiting for the long embrace of death to come my way, sadly it won't come soon enough and I don't have the will to do it myself.

Growing up I've gone through multiple traumas ranging from physical to mental to emotionally but nothing prepared me to feel all of them simultaneously when I saw my dragon close his eyes for the last time.

It felt like someone tore my heart out of my chest then proceeded to light it up in fire but that fire kept increasing in heat and never blew out. That type of pain I wish I could never feel. It was bad enough seeing my sunflower brutally slaughtered in front of my eyes then to have that pain linger within me...is too much to handle. Hell I can't even go to where I'm keeping my baby because I'll breakdown again.

Troye never had a bad bone inside him every day was brand new with him and felt like the world revolved only around us whilst everyone else fades away from existences, his smile was precious and grew wider to the where I was worried he'd pull a muscle but he always said to me,

"Even when I feel the most alone I smile because I know that no matter what happens I'll always return you."

What I'd give up just to have a world where we only exist?

To make my days even more stressful my generals are starting to question my leadership even as I try to mourn they know no boundaries and it's getting to the point where I don't care about them or anyone, they want a new ruler then my father will gladly step in place he'll have a blast getting in touch with his old roots and it would be great for good old Dracula to shine again.

Speaking about parents Troye avoided talking to his after he was exiled for a crime he didn't commit but his family didn't care and forbade  him to return. I know deep down it affected but he left no mention of their last known whereabouts so finding them will be a task so another to add on to the never ending pile  and that brings me to my next point.


How am I suppose to break the news to my boy? He and Troye were close much more closer then I was him but I found it endearing that Alexi always had someone to speak to whenever he needed council plus their bond was special and couldn't be matched so rather envy whom Alexi preferred I often encouraged Troye to be the smothering mama bear. Yet now it seems like I have to be the father my son needs...even if I'm not ready to face the music. What makes it hard is news has reached me that Alexi is recently pregnant with child and this news will devastate him with stress and worry however if I don't tell him now he'd resent me from keeping the truth. In the end it's a lose-lose situation but I hope that his two mates can help him through this whilst I plot my revenge.

The lady in red.

I couldn't see that bitch from where I was located but all I need is she likes red and dabbling in danger. If only she knew the magnitude of her miscalculation then maybe she'd rethink twice before committing her death wish, she will have a horrid death and I'll make sure she knows who's responsible for the pain she'll feel. The only thing that's keeping me going is the blood thirst to see her die and by the Gods she will, come Hell or high water.

I just hope that I'm not consumed evil that it will be my downfall...but if it's the only way to avenge Troye properly then so be it, I'll go down that road and not look back until the deed is done or I finally rest with my lover.

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