🌷 Chapter 44🌷

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Salem POV:

Where am I?

Last thing that I remember is closing the rift and preventing an upcoming onslaught on the realm but now I don't know where I am...

It's like I'm trapped in an endless realm empty and devoided of any communication so what am I to do? Is this purgatory? I hope not I expected something a bit different from this current situation I'm in now, I can't even get in touch with my supreme making me truly alone just like Lucifer. It destroys me knowing I left behind my man and my boys even if it were for the greater good doesn't mean it was easy. Lucifer is probably alone drinking like a fool and practically pushing everyone away like he always does when shit goes south but what I would do to get a drink and drown my thoughts of agony.

This realm is just space...endless amount to where I am just floating like a kite but without string attaching me to the ground, it's beyond bizarre where I am but there has to be something I can do otherwise why else keep me alive? There's more to this realm then meets the eye and I'm going to find a way out.

I don't have control of my powers so I'm waggling my arms to push me along the empty void I look stupid but the movement seems to be working as I'm slowly drifting to unknown territory. The space that I'm in is lit up with spectrums of colour so I don't need to fear the dark but what lies in this realm; from what I can see no life seems to inhabit this place which begs the question once more where am I?

"Hello? Anyone there?" Yes Salem let's just go ahead and shout out in an empty void that ought to help, in hind sight my desperation is high and I need answers. "Listen I don't know where I am and would like some assistance please. I need to get back home." I find it bizarre that instead of being dead or in actual purgatory I'm stuck here like a prisoner. "For fuck sake SOMEONE GIVE ME A SIGN!" my temper is reaching its max level so I hope whoever is here is willing to help otherwise my fist can be very persuasive.

I notice in front of me is a small orb no bigger than a pea flickering like a switch probably trying to communicate with me.

"Uh hi...do you know a way?" The pea flies around energetically and starts floating away. "Guess I'm following a space pea." The small orb glows bright allowing me to follow easy but to where is unknown. This is my only chance at finding the answers so I continue following until the pea stops.

It spins around me fast causing a sudden tornado to form around me confusing my mind but I trust this pea to not betray me so I do nothing but allow the process to finish. Sparks of electricity shoot at me and I start getting concerned as I don't have my powers fully functioning right now but what truly scares me is the huge thunder cloud above me that strikes me with purple lightening until I'm falling through the sky.

The sky?

It seems that I've been teleported to somewhere but my mind is too busy focusing on my face colliding with the ground and my wings are too tired to flap and as I reach the ground I expect a pain like no other but instead I stare directly at what could've been fatal as of time stopped just to save me, I'm let go to meet the ground with a soft thud and this time I'm able to take in my surroundings and it's beyond beautiful.

Blue sky, greenery everywhere, animals flourishing together without killing one another as well as mortals who seem to be living in total harmony without no violence. Then I see the white wings that spread out with hints of gold thrown in there to signify that I'm far from Hell... I'm quiet literally the opposite.

I'm in Heaven.

Or what I could only assume is heaven but if I'm here then surely Troye should be here as well. My questions halt as the small pea comes down and transforms into a face I haven't seen for a very long time, an angel who befriended me and later on left to blossom into his own entity.

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